
(KINE) #1

Shottie or SMG ?

Best loadout card ?

(neverplayseriou) #2

I believe it are the a32 and bl32 or smthn?

Atleast weapons, blish/emp 9/stilleto and ahnuld/emp 9/stilleto.

(Thai-San) #3

The weapon depend on your fletcher play style.
If you rush with him you better use a shotgun but if you prefer to stay at a distance and throw stickies then the blish could be nice to finish off people that survived you stickies.
Empire 9 is always a good choice as secondary.

H63 Standard Close Assault is a good shotgun load out I’d guess and
BL33 Standard Operative could be be good for blish.

(XavienX) #4

A32 is most preffered loadout. Ahnuhld is like a sniper shotgun, Empire-9 is like the strongest secondary so both weapons offer a longer range. Blishlok is if you really are a player who stays longer distances.

(KINE) #5


How big a deal is the Lock On augment ?
30% less dealy

(Boorseye) #6

It has slightly less delay compared to quick draw and no lock on

(DarkMatterMatt) #7


How big a deal is the Lock On augment ?
30% less dealy[/quote]

thats the card I use, and IMO its the best Fletcher card, if you can use the Blishlock. The lock-on argument is a must-have for Fletcher, it reduces the delay after clicking the detonator

(Xan) #8


(Boorseye) #9


How big a deal is the Lock On augment ?
30% less dealy[/quote]

Okay, my previous comment did not seem very useful so…

With Lock On: Detonating stickys will expolde the fastest

With Quick Draw On: Detonating stickys will explode the second to the fastest

Neither of the two on: Yeah, it’s the slowest, to be expected.

(ThiagoJaqueta) #10

The BL32 stands for the Fail Safe, which is pretty handy since you gonna be exploding yourself a lot.
The A31 (Fixed, thanks SirMuder) is stands for the Double Time, since the Shotgun and the Empire-9 have slow reloads.

Now it’s really up to your preference.

(SirMurder) #11

Every1 gets it WRONG its A31 not A32
(Yup necro but there are no new threads :cry: )