ranked season 2

(V1RuSx1) #1

first post here so sorry if its the wrong section…

am I the only one that finds ranked to be heavily unbalanced and has so many issues the need to be looked at to make it worth while?

there is no teamwork what so ever in quite a few matches as in you can have the same mercs out at the same time making it hard to work and co-ordinate.

would it not be more balanced and strict if you could have only 1 of the mercs out at each time??

the the ranked season 2 case is way to overpriced 15 - 20 minutes per game for almost nothing is not really enticing to make you want to play, maybe the devs could lower the cost of that thing in future to 600 - 700 RP?

plus a few more things like people leaving, not accepting, trolling, hacking… etc