is there new Config file for FPS since ranked came out one 3/2/2017?

(jabberwolky) #1

Ever config i try is trash anymore… i get really bad fps now anyone help a brotha out ?

(CaRe) #2

Minimal graphic settings are quite optimal for performance already.

There is only little that can be done beyond that.

However, here, have my current ShooterEngine:
My ShooterEngine.ini and console commands that alter visuals:
texturepoolsize 1
FogDensity 0
ColorGrading 2
gamma 2.7

Set its file properties to read-only.


^ BTW, that healing station is bugged as it did not spawn the aura visual around it for some reason

How to patch a .ini file:

  1. move your .ini out of the Config folder and start the game, exit the game => the game generates a new default ini files
  2. compare the ini files for changes, e.g. new settings, removal of settings, etc… and transfer the changes.
  • Every time the patch changes an ini, it generates new version numbers found at the end of the files, make sure that these are updated
  • ShooterEngine.ini will alter the value of “MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC” with possibly every patch
  1. Put your ini files back where they belong.
  2. Test it! You can load a map locally, e.g. console command “switchlevel obj_trainyard”

NOTE: If the game shows you a popup about files not updating or if the game does not use your ini settings at all, then the file is broken and requires to be patched/fixed/edited.