Higher-resolution lightmaps

(vellis) #1

How can i tweak the final resolution of the lightmaps? Can i increase their resolution to something like 2048x2048 or 4096x4096?

(KeMoN) #2

Hello there, vellis

Lightmaps are generated during the compile process of the map. To change the resolution of them use the compile parameter -lightmapsize [value]. Valid values are only power of 2. For ET: Legacy I have played around with different texture resolutions and unfortunately 4096x4096 is where the engine collapses. For me personally 2048x2048 works perfectly fine, however some people have reported issues when they use textures of that size. I suggest that you work with -lightmapsize 1024 for that reason and with such a resolution the shadows are already incredibly detailed. Anything above that will simply look off since on the one hand you have perfectly detailed shadows and on the other hand you have old and blurry assets.

Please refer to the wiki for further information on compile parameters and generally compiling maps.


(vellis) #3

Thank you for the info. I assumed changes in the engine were needed, just like ioquake, but this is great news!

(Mateos) #4

There’s no real benefits beyond 1024x1024 ones fyi, but perhaps if you tweak the engine for a better rendering, yeah.

(vellis) #5

I was inspired by this: http://sgq3-mapping.blogspot.com.br/2009/01/using-hi-resolution-external-lightmap.html