September Hotfix Update Notes - 14/09/2016

(Chris Mullins) #1

Hey all!

Want to know what went live with today’s hotfix? Well look no further, the update notes are here:

[ul][li] Fixed bug where players would sometimes not see the Ranked post-game summary
[/li][li] Fixed bug where players would sometimes not connect to the pre-game Ranked lobby
[/li][li] Fixed bug where the C4 in Execution would sometimes disappear when planting
[/li][li] Fixed bug where Sticky Bombs could deal the extra +15 Direct Hit damage if the Detonator was used before switching back to the primary weapon
[/li][li] Fixed bug where Quick Ability (E) Presses were ignored during a Sticky Bomb (Q) Throw
[/li][li] Added featured YouTube video to Exit Dialog[/ul]