Scheduled Hotfix Changes - July 27th, 2016

(Chris Mullins) #1

Hey all!

The following changes were made during the July 27th maintenance:

  • [li]Removed collision on stacks of paper across maps[/li][li]Fixed issue causing the Stats page to not update[/li][li]Fixed issue with Overtime in Stopwatch[/li][li]Fixed issue where Russian localisation could cause a crash

We also added in extra logging which will assist us in tracking down issues, specifically with Ranked and Private Matches.


EDIT: Added ‘Removed collision on stacks of paper across maps’. As we know you had issues with this, we snuck it in early.

(_milla) #2

thanks shoe!

(ZGToRRent) #3

Private matches? Does it mean, they come back?

(Chris Mullins) #4

It means that we can now better diagnose the issues with them. We have been fixing what we’ve found, but we still need some info. They will be coming back, it’s just a matter of time.

(ZGToRRent) #5

Well shoe. it’s kinda important for me because I want to organize small draft cup and now I can’t because of lack of private match function. If it’s a matter of month than ok.

(Chris Mullins) #6

At this point we just don’t know. Hopefully the new logging will help give us an idea of what we’re looking at and when they can be back up.