Starting a dedicated ET server on ubuntu

(nkadithya31) #1


I have installed ET on ubuntu and running it on a dedicated server on the cloud, I have opened the required port number and I started the et server using this command


I get this out put and the server shuts down

ET 2.60b linux-i386 May  8 2006
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak2.pk3 (22 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak1.pk3 (10 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak0.pk3 (3725 files)
/usr/share/games/enemy-territory/etmain/mp_bin.pk3 (6 files)

3763 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
Bypassing CD checks
Found high quality video and fast CPU
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Opening IP socket: localhost:27960
Hostname: web-01
Started tty console (use +set ttycon 0 to disable)
execing preset_high.cfg
Hitch warning: 1312 msec frame time
WARNING: watchdog will trigger in 4 seconds
Idle Server with no map - triggering watchdog
Shutdown tty console

Can some one please help me understand why is it shutting down. Or is there a guide that i can follow to start the server?


(ailmanki) #2

etded requires a map to be loaded, try
“etded +map oasis”

(nkadithya31) #3

I ran the command with these parameters

"etded +set com_hunkmegs 512 +exec campaigncycle.cfg +set net_ip “my IP” +exec server.cfg

(nkadithya31) #4

It connected but i am not able to search for my server I need to connect by IP address.

(Nail) #5

if it’s on your home network, it will only show as local to you

(diaboliksmart) #6

No home, it runs on a cloud server, I think problem is missing ‘+set fs_game name-of-the-mod’ .
And on command line, don’t exec campaigncycle, you must write it at the end of server.cfg, just before watchdog.
Catch my email in profile I will help you man!

(Micha) #7

You can exec any cfg you want in command line. Does not matter. watchdog message happens if no map is loaded.
Command line for windows batch file (one I use for infected mod):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territorysrv\ETDED.exe" +set fs_game infected +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 27962 +fs_homepath C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territorysrv +set sv_maxclients 64 +pb_sv_disable +set com_hunkmegs 128 +exec server.cfg

Take note that et servers wont showup in the server list if they are empty.