Loadout Card Picker

(Mustang) #1

I believe Cynix put this together, but I couldn’t find any mentioned of it around these parts, and I use it quite a lot, so hopefully everyone else will find it useful as well, that said it is a little outdated and missing a few mercs.

- Loadout Card Picker -

(Chris Mullins) #2

That’s it!! I came across this a while back and found it pretty useful but couldn’t find it again. Thanks man

(alphabeta) #3

Can we make this a sticky please?:slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #4

lol could we please not!? While a nifty little piece of programming, it’s pretty useless compared to just looking at the cards.

(light_sh4v0r) #5

And it’s missing all the mercs since open beta.
I agree it’s nicely made, but I’m not sure what the purpose isas you can see all the available loadouts ingame.

(alphabeta) #6

For noobs and small minds like mine I think it very useful in picking the cards quickly which give you the weapons and augments you want. I have like 8,000 loadout cards and it helps quickly get to the one you want.

But I agree it should be updated.