Anyone from ET:QW would like to play?

(Khamul) #1

Hello! I didn’t know where should i type this topic so i do it here. Lately Snot told me, that DB improved so i wanted to verify it, but when i play alone i dont enjoy it at all . Most games are unbalanced and nobody uses mic( no matter what mode), so the only way to have fun is to gather some old guyz and play together some ranked matches. Level and skill don’t matter, because i suck and my airstrikes kill more teammates than enemies. So if anyone would like to play sometimes just send me a message here or on steam.

P.S The only game i got is fallout 4 and yes it disappointed me so i’m desperate to at least try DB again.

See ya nz!

(AssortedStuff) #2

Unfortunately, so true :frowning:

(alphabeta) #3

Khamul many of us remember you from ETQW, and you will find many old ETQW players playing DB. Join us anytime!

(Ecano) #4

Still remember the match you scored your signature :armadillochase:

(light_sh4v0r) #5

Yep, there are a good number of ETQW’ers in DB.
Mic use is rare as you said though. I don’t normally bother myself either, instead I just play with some friends on a mumble server.