village map release

(Kic) #1

This map I created when go through tutorials ( When was boring )
The map is beginner , dont wait too mutch .
I had 3 years pause and not have good experience with script , I have 3 objectives in map for allies

  1. destroy main gate
  2. destroy train
  3. destroy rocks tunnel

credicts to :
Thunder - scripting , and some details
Teuthis - tutorials for scripting



(Teuthis) #2

Some more pictures would be nice I think. Anyhow, congratulations. Looks encouraging

(AgentHani) #3

Looks beautiful, I’ll try it :D, Nice work m8 !

(AgentHani) #4

Can u renew the download link plz?

(Kic) #5

download link works

(Teuthis) #6

Good map. I suggest changing some texture scales if there will be another version. However, great work and good to have you in the team. Your models are worldclass and your landscapes look really good.

Overall a great map

(TomTom7777) #7

A few trees seem to have larger than expected clips for shooting around but no other problems noted so far.

And to celebrate here is some scripted changes for fun eye-candy for Leopold. Script works in many mods as noted but for vanilla ET the new entities would have to be mapped in.

// wwgn3203.script changes
// 2016/02/22 TomTom added simple eye-candy for Fritzbot, gun auto-fires, continuous smoke,
// 		no special sounds, disabled when train blown.
// 		Works/Tested in ET-Legacy, ETPub, ETPro, Jaymod, FritzBot-ET. No-Quarter. 
// 		Vanilla ET, Bobot 4, do not support create command.


print "eye-candy added, runs in mods supporting -create- keyword"
//BEGIN to run a leopold gun effect (more eye candy)
			"scriptName" "tomtester"
			"classname" "func_timer"  //shoots the gun every 10-19 seconds
			"random" "9"
			"wait" "19"
			"origin" "5715 1834 300"
			"spawnflags" "1"	
			"targetname" "tomtester"
			"target" "big_testgun2"
			"scriptName" "big_testgun2"
			"classname" "target_script_trigger"
			"origin" "0 0 400"
			"targetname" "big_testgun2"
			"target" "big_testgun"
			"scriptName" "gun_smoke1"
			"targetname" "gun_smoke1"
			"origin" "5720 345 300"
			"spawnflags" "2"
			"start_size" "35"
			"end_size" "55"
			"classname" "target_smoke"
			"scriptName" "shootme"
			"classname" "info_notnull"
			"targetname" "shootme"
			"origin" "5690 -10260 40" //tunnel, but many shells fall short, danger is low
		//adds a special shell trail like a base bleed shell, or say a cleaning test round
			"scriptName" "big_testgun"
			"classname" "shooter_rocket"
			"origin" "5715 1306 286" //use=gun may misfire but panzer tube discard largely hidden
			"origin" "5715 875 280" //use=gun won't misfire but panzer tube discard might be seen
			//"origin" "5715 320 280" //use=so gun won't always misfire in NoQuarter
			"spawnflags" "1"
			"targetname" "big_testgun"
			"target" "shootme"
//END eye-candy

And to stop the fun gun when destroyed

trainblow //Here is the train script	  	 
           setstate gun_smoke1 invisible // TomTom 
           setstate tomtester invisible // TomTom stop the gun-firing eye-candy 

  	  	.... //etc

changed map script can be put in its own pk3 to keep it just for the mods that support “created” entities.

(TomTom7777) #8

I kinda like the idea of tree camouflage (WW1) and flirting tree to tree for cover, BUT such game-play should be designed intentionally as such not just accidentally added exploits.
So here is a partial tree survey (great looking trees BTW)

over clipped tree? 969,1818 to 963,1681

Many trees are not clipped on all sides leading to exploits

e.g. near flag hut
( 3968,4645 ) / ( 4320,6223 )
also same tree model in the lake side
( 2520,10696) / ( 3246,2724 ) / ( 4050,-501) / ( 3277,123 ) /
( -1462,2522) ( -2962,6213 )
in the axis side too
( 6740,3833) / ( 6846,5487 ) / ( 6614,8208) / ( 7720,3007 ) /
( 6160,778) / ( 3090,-7708 ) / ( 3243,-6636) / ( 5246,1503 )
some other tree models are exploitable too including;
-huge tree clips and exploitable
( 7761,-41 ) / ( 3538,-1240 )

(Teuthis) #9

Not fully clipped trees can be the result of a non linear lower part of the tree. If the trunk is not straight then a straight clip brush can’t cover the non-straight trunk. Having multiple clip brushes per trunk would solve this but in this last step of the map, the mapper gets easily bored and lazy (just speaking for myself here)

(KeMoN) #10

Since the trunk is quite straight, I would pressume it is the same as with the bank pillars in goldrush before the patch.
The trees are likely clipped with a cylinder patch-mesh. For clips you should always use brushes, because from a certain angle players can always enter the patch-mesh clips.

(Kic) #11

yes not all trees are good clipped and not all are clipped.
I should clip them .

(TomTom7777) #12

For mods that support “create” this script change of 16 func_fakebrush-es covers most of the grey thick trunk trees (seen in Kic’s screenshot) without too much shooting through bark. (eye-candy block is optional)

print "eye-candy added, runs in mods supporting -create- keyword"
//BEGIN to run a leopold gun effect (more eye candy)
			"scriptName" "tomtester"
			"classname" "func_timer"  //shoots the gun every 10-19 seconds
			"random" "9"
			"wait" "19"
			"origin" "5715 1834 300"
			"spawnflags" "1"	
			"targetname" "tomtester"
			"target" "big_testgun2"
			"scriptName" "big_testgun2"
			"classname" "target_script_trigger"
			"origin" "0 0 400"
			"targetname" "big_testgun2"
			"target" "big_testgun"
			"scriptName" "gun_smoke1"
			"targetname" "gun_smoke1"
			"origin" "5720 345 300"
			"spawnflags" "2"
			"start_size" "35"
			"end_size" "55"
			"classname" "target_smoke"
			"scriptName" "shootme"
			"classname" "info_notnull"
			"targetname" "shootme"
			"origin" "5690 -10260 40" //tunnel, but many shells fall short, danger is 

		//adds a special shell trail like a base bleed shell, or say a cleaning test round
			"scriptName" "big_testgun"
			"classname" "shooter_rocket"
			"origin" "5715 1306 286" //use=gun may misfire but panzer tube discard 

largely hidden
			"origin" "5715 875 280" //use=gun won't misfire but panzer tube discard 

might be seen
			//"origin" "5715 320 280" //use=so gun won't always misfire in NoQuarter
			"spawnflags" "1"
			"targetname" "big_testgun"
			"target" "shootme"
//END eye-candy
		create //cover tree 1
			scriptName "fix_brush1"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "3955 4640 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 2
			scriptName "fix_brush2"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "4305 6210 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 3
			scriptName "fix_brush3"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "2505 10680 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 4
			scriptName "fix_brush4"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "3245 2710 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 5
			scriptName "fix_brush5"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "4045 -518 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 6
			scriptName "fix_brush6"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "3260 142 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 7
			scriptName "fix_brush7"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "-1445 2517 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 8
			scriptName "fix_brush8"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "-2935 6222 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
//axis side
		create //cover tree 9
			scriptName "fix_brush9"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "6735 3826 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 10
			scriptName "fix_brush10"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "6845 5491 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 11
			scriptName "fix_brush11"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "6594 8185 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 12
			scriptName "fix_brush12"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "7698 3002 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 13
			scriptName "fix_brush13"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "6154 770 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 14
			scriptName "fix_brush14"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "3102 -7690 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 15
			scriptName "fix_brush15"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "3229 -6597 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"
		create //cover tree 16
			scriptName "fix_brush16"
			classname "func_fakebrush"
			contents 1 //=SOLID // 65536 //=CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
 			origin  "5240 1524 64" 
			mins "-20 -25 -48"
			maxs "25 20 150"