Loadout Sorting

(Telzen) #1

So the loadout screen used to be sorted by rarity, or at least it was for me. Now every time I go to it its not sorted anymore. You can sort it how you wish but when you leave the page it forgets and so you have to sort it every single time. Can we get it so that it will remember how we have it sorted?

(Grum_Laban) #2

Yes for me too. This is completely retarded in every way. Hot fix for this please. It sorts by amount very time you click away from the loadout tab. Awful!

(RyePanda) #3

It sorts alphabetically, not by amount.

(Grum_Laban) #4

It sorts alphabetically, not by amount.

Mine sorts by amount.

(RyePanda) #5

It sorts alphabetically, not by amount.

Mine sorts by amount.


1st, wow, you have a ton of irons, but that’s interesting how yours does amount and mine does alphabetically.

(N8o) #6

It sorts alphabetically, not by amount.

Mine sorts by amount.


1st, wow, you have a ton of irons, but that’s interesting how yours does amount and mine does alphabetically.[/quote]

Mine does it by amount as well.

(Grum_Laban) #7

It sorts alphabetically, not by amount.

Mine sorts by amount.


1st, wow, you have a ton of irons, but that’s interesting how yours does amount and mine does alphabetically.[/quote]

Yeah. I opened like 400 CW cases so I had a LOT of lead loadouts that I’ve been trading up.

(XavienX) #8

Huh, mine sorts alphabetically like @RyePanda too. Maybe there is a option to set a default? Dunno.

(Ctrix) #9

It sorts by quantity first, if there’s same quantity it uses alphabetical.

(InfernoKun) #10

All I can say is it’s driving me crazy >-<

(DeaDmaN2be) #11

It seems to be a bug and is annoying for me too.
Prepatch it was always sorted by rarity for me. Now it’s always sorted by quantity and yeah…it bothers me.

(Groggg) #12

I’ve always sorted by name and it has sorted each merc by rarity within that. Not anymore it’s completely random now… which bothers me too.

(Hibbsan) #13

Bring Sort by rarity back!

(Drcipres) #14

Maybe is because I’m used to the old loadout inventory, but this one looks boring

(DB Genome editor) #15

Mine sorts by merc name first, than loadout name, which means even for the cards that belong to a given merc the order makes no useful sense :frowning:

(Starconyx4) #16

With the CW and Dickens updates having me open every case I can, my inventory is cluttered with all the leads and Irons I havent gotten to trade up, and lets be honest, I don’t want to look at them! I want to be able to see all my Cobalts, special editions, golds, silvers, etc. Please change this so it is easier to view

(DMaster2) #17

This change is retarded. Why would i want to see my 4x leads first? I want to see my only Obsidian and my only Cobalt in the first page.

(SereneFlight) #18

Question! How many irons you got at the time you took the screenie?

(Faraleth) #19

@RyePanda the default is now “sort by amount”, however if you don’t have more than 1 of any card, it will sort alphabetically as kind of a back-up sorting option (because if you have 1 of everything, it can’t actually be sorted by amount).

(intrepidCylinder) #20

Can we just go back to default “sort by rarity”?