Cards Deck

(BomBaKlaK) #1

So is it possible to have something more user friendly ?

we need :

  • a deck where we can save the cards we want to keep
  • something to see if we have the same cards in bronze / Silver / Gold / kobalt
  • everything to organise this giant mess is welcome !

(Rémy Cabresin) #2

I want a ‘no trade bank’ where I can tag/move all my cards into so they don’t show for tradeups. It’s a quality of life thing but it would be such a sigh of relief function :smiley:

(PixelTwitch) #3

We was told that was coming when I went to the beta press event like 9 months ago.
SD also made it sound super important that it would be in soon cause they understood how unfriendly it is.

its on the list :wink: lol

(Szakalot) #4

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;542593]We was told that was coming when I went to the beta press event like 9 months ago.
SD also made it sound super important that it would be in soon cause they understood how unfriendly it is.

its on the list :wink: lol[/QUOTE]

and what was said to you when you were born?

I was told my name!

(Mustang) #5

I was told I’d achieve great things, it’s on the list. :tongue:

(alphabeta) #6

Any movement on this SD? I am getting so many cards it’s ridiculous. Would love to be able to trade my superfluous cards for the 1 or 2 I actually use for each merc, but that would require you to let me CHOOSE the card I want.

(Violator) #7

Definately needs some work - I have 9 pages of them now (and I do trade up to at least Bronze when I can). The only things I do with cards currently are:

Select them for matches
Convert lead/iron into bronze
Convert bronze up into silver when I get enough duplicates

From that I would like to see:

Saved decks - we did have a squad system prior to the introduction of cards which wasn’t much use then but would be very useful now.
A ‘favourites’ card pool/deck. Drag cards you regularly use / don’t want to trade into an easy-to-access group.
Tabs for card level rather than the global paged list we have now (would still need paging within each tab, further sub-group them under merc perhaps). Its currently a bit annoying to guess which page a merc’s bronze cards are on for instance.
Simple filters for
Lead/Iron only
Bronze only
Duplicates only

Trade up as I mentioned before is too harsh to be used. As per the comment above, if we were allowed to choose the result then yes, otherwise its just RNG on top of RNG and is too expensive for the risk.