Leaving lobbies.

(Faraleth) #1

Forgive me if this has been talked about before, but for a long time now we full well know unbalanced teams (eg. 3v7, 2v8, etc.) in pubs has been a problem. One of the major reasons for this I have noticed is people just giving up if an objective gets taken too fast or they are close to possibly losing - some people simply be bothered to wait it out and try to win. This seemed to be even more apparent with the inclusion of profile stats, due to some wanting to keep their win:loss positive, or as high as they can.

It’s clear we need to encourage people to stay in the matches in the first place, rather than trying to balance the imbalances - skill imbalancing is another issue entirely and should be looked at separately. :slight_smile: So my suggestion is this:

Like competitive games/matches, give players a warning upon leaving a match. This doesn’t carry any kind of penalty like the comp matches of course, but simply warn the player telling them “Abandoning your team-mates causes imbalances and will result in a loss for you. Are you sure you want to quit?”, and mark a loss on their profile for leaving.

Now of course, there will always be people who get immediately salty and will leave matches regardless, even if there’s a penalty, so there’s not use catering to those people - however I feel this some-what small change might be worth a try, because it may have some positive effect. I’m not saying this is any kind of silver bullet or anything like that, but it might reduce the imbalances in terms of player numbers in pubs slightly. :slight_smile:


(poiuasd) #2

Should start by adding an auto balance feature first so when one of the teams is down 2 or more players the game automatically shuffles some people over.

(Rémy Cabresin) #3

But why exactly do we need to encourage players to stay in matches? It’s public, it’s meant to be a join and leave whenever you want style of play. If I want a game where people don’t leave or care more about the results I go matchmaking. Public is meant to be a do whatever you want type of deal, it has been and will be regardless of what you do to it. Unless you make it a MOBA like system where public play is the same as competitive but without it effective rankings but you’ll just end up with a toxic as **** community because everyone starts taking the ‘unranked’ gamemode too serious and suddenly care about wins and losses. Ranked matchmaking should be the place to enforce more serious attitudes and behaviour/leaver penalties, why would you play public if it doesn’t give you the freedom ranked doesn’t give you.

(Szakalot) #4

Rather than encourage people not to ragequit I think its better to avoid opportunities for ragequit first.

DB lobbies fail at making sure that:

  • all players that don’t want to play anymore have already left the server
  • new players that want to play can join before the map starts.

Both of these need addressing, preferably with an extended warmup time. Game would be a lot better off if it gathered people on a server for one minute first, before starting the game. The more people press f6 the faster the game starts.

Stopwatch games are pretty much broken because of this.