Proxy changes/buff discussion?

(Rémy Cabresin) #1

So it’s been said a thousand times by now but Proxy really needs some changing, she is used public because she is fun to run around with but she hasn’t been seen in above average level play since Bushwacker was introduced. Personally, but I think most will agree, that her main problem is that her ability is just utter useless in non-public play. My solution, patchnote style:

Proxy changes:
- Proximity Mine sound can now only be heard by friendlies.
This will make her mines less noticeable to enemies giving them a slightly bigger element of surprise.

- Proximity Mine teamcolor highlights are now only visible to friendlies.
This will make her mines less easily spot-able.

- Proximity Mines now take a minimum of 80 damage to be destroyed.
This makes her mines slightly less easy to remove unintentionally as previously they got destroyed by pretty much all random spam in their vicinity.

Due to the highlights now only being visible to friendlies the “Bomb Squad” perk needs a slight changes aswell to which I’d suggest:

Augment changes:
- Bomb Squad now shows highlight on enemy Proximity mines and other explosives.
Offering a small counter to the new Proxy Mines, adding a little bit of value to any loadout cards with this augment.

Personally I think this would make Proxy much more viable in competitive play without really changing the way she is played in public, and if needed the damage and radius of the mines can be changed accordingly aswell as maybe even giving her 3 mines instead of 2 but making them slightly weaker. Also I think that doing things like buffing her HP/speed or guns will do very little for her as her very underwhelming ability still keeps her in the worst of the Objective Specialists group.


(Lightning.) #2

Agree with this, and would be cool if you could arm the mines as in actively standing there arming them for 2 secs instead of throwing them around like Frisbee’s

(light_sh4v0r) #3

I agree. But not with the manual arming. That takes away from the speed of Proxy, which is what she should excell at. (moreso than Bushwacker or Fletcher.)

(Faraleth) #4

I agree with everything BUT the sound change. I think the sound is a very key balancing feature - perhaps make it a little quieter, or give it a smaller range of where you can hear it, but I don’t think it should be removed entirely. The highlight and damage-to-destroy would be a nice change thought :slight_smile:

(Glottis-3D) #5

I realy like the minimum HP for mine, but 80HP is way too much imho. its like 9 shots from Hochfir close range and 10+ shots at long range?

30-40HP seems more than enough

(Rémy Cabresin) #6

[QUOTE=Glottis-3D;541948]I realy like the minimum HP for mine, but 80HP is way too much imho. its like 9 shots from Hochfir close range and 10+ shots at long range?

30-40HP seems more than enough[/QUOTE]

Well thing is if you make it 30-40 they will explode from any explosives, ideally I think it should be 80 but maybe if the proxy shoots it herself it instantly explodes.

(Szakalot) #7

how about, the hp only accounts for splashdamage, but a direct aimed hit still destroys the mine instantly?

(Glottis-3D) #8

good call !

(Destroy666) #9

I don’t think the HP should be touched. Mines are supposed to be explosives, not walls that randomly blow up when they’re hit by10th bullet. If any health should be buffed, it’s her. She’s hardly playable without the Try Hard augment. Dies almost instantly to… basically everything.

Agreed with the rest.

(watsyurdeal) #10

This is the only change I’d make aside from changing it so mines do not recharge until they go off or are destroyed. One of the things that urks me about deployables is they get destroyed then are immediately set back down, I feel like that aspect should change.

(KeMoN) #11

But the standard for every ability is that the cooldown/recharger immediately starts upon use. I don’t see why that should be different for Proxy’s mines. With that request in place, Aura couldn’t set the healthstation where it is needed right now. First she would have to get back to where it is currently positioned and reclaim it and imo that slows down the gameplay too much.

Well, they aren’t. If your deployable gets destroyed you can’t immediately set it back down, even if it was ready for use before the destruction. A different timer starts for that. The thing with Proxy is that she has two mines, so she doesn’t really care/notice.

One thing that is related to this and which I really shouldn’t report is the exploit that comes with that.
I play mostly Proxy and when I’m bored (e.g. in Execution when you are just waiting for the C4) I enter a Q-F-Q-F-Q-F-… combo. Q plants my mine (15 combat XP) and F reclaims it (5 combat XP). Since I have two of those, the other one is immediately ready after the first has been reclaimed. Sadly after the 5th or 6th time the cooldown adapts though (now to ~1 min) and this isn’t possible anymore. But once this happens I already received ~100 combat XP. Basically this is a joke since you get that with a kill or even an assist, I’m just saying it is an exploit and it is possible.
Please don’t change that, I like my Proxy.

(BioSnark) #12

Mine alternate fire: mine is thrown like a frizbee but takes ~10 seconds to arm.

Most characters suffer from being 1-trick-ponies with otherwise too similar gameplay. That should be fixed.

(Nail) #13

10 sec is long time in ANY GAME

count it out