Should we give Phantom a Scrambler?

(watsyurdeal) #1

So, I have been pondering a second ability for Phantom for a long time, and since an EMP is out of the question thanks to Thunder, I have an alternative, a Scrambler.

When thrown, this device will produce fake detection icons (typically used by Vasilli to show where enemies are). This device can be used for a number of situations…

[li]A decoy, where you can make the enemy think you’re in a certain position.
[/li][li]A lure, using this device can bring in lone players, allowing Phantom to do what he does best, 1v1 fights.
[/li][li]A bluff, where the enemy either goes toward the scrambler, or toward an opposite possible route for a push. This forces the enemy to make a decision, and it is a gamble that could work out quite well.

An example of a similar concept

(Destroy666) #2

A shooting/steps sound + fake detection decoy wouldn’t be bad for Phantom when it comes to fun on public servers. I don’t think it’d make him any better for competitive games though.

(Szakalot) #3

just buff his cloak a bit when not moving /moving slowly. Make him the perfect flank-opener, Phantom could slowly walk into the open and setup a crossfire with teammates pushing the same position.

Atm. it works great against weaker opponents, but any high-skilled player will instantly spot phantom, no matter how slow he moves.