Incorrect mission display

(KeMoN) #1

Good evening,

A while ago I noticed that the mission displays in intermission, notification drop-down and main menu don’t lign up. I finally remembered to take screenshots so you can see it first hand. These screenshots were taken in the following order, first the intermission after my match, then the drop-down menu in the lobby and finally the main menu after disconnecting the lobby.

As you see they do not lign up at all. Also I’m not sure whether I received the credits for finishing the 2 missions from the drop-down menu, because in intermission it said 0 credits at the mission point.


(Mustang) #2

This is what I was told by SD a while ago, so perhaps it still holds true, there is a bug where the intermission (as you call it) will not display the correct information to you if it doesn’t get the info synced from the server in-time before it needs to display on your screen, but apparently the correct logic will still have happened server side, i.e. you will get the credits for completing your missions, but it won’t show this to you. It looks like this is what happened here, as both the 2nd and 3rd screenshots agree with each other, and it’s only the first one that looks extremely odd.