I think I know how Aimee can work.

(signofzeta) #1

We all know that people were complaining that Aimee did almost the same thing as Vasili, such as sniping, detecting enemies, except hers can blow up.

So here is what I suggest for Aimee’s special ability. We all know Aimee is a recon. Recon is analogous to ET’s covert ops class. ET’s covert ops has access to snipers, or pretty much any scoped weapon, smoke grenades, satchel charge, and disguise. Nobody probably used in in Wolf ET, but they have an ability to spot mines. To do that, you take your binoculars, and you look at an area. You press the fire button, and hold it, until you see white blinking mine outlines, until the commander dude says “enemy mines spotted”, or whatever it was. Your teammates will then see that M flag where that mine was spotted.

Vasili takes care of the sniper part, and he also has ETQW Covert Ops radar in the heartbeat sensor.

Redeye takes care of the smoke part.

Phantom takes care of the disguise part. Invisibility, disguise, same thing. Both are meant to fool the enemy into thinking that there aren’t any enemies nearby.

Aimee. She has a third eye cam, exactly like the ETQW Covert Ops. The third eye cam in ETQW is basically the satchel charge in Wolf ET. They both are remotely detonated. The third eye cam in ETQW has a built in radar that detects people, and you can also see through it, which is what I assume Aimee’s special ability was. To make her ability and Vasili’s ability not feel like the same thing, Aimee’s third eye cam needs to detect something else. In Wolf ET, Covert Ops can use binoculars to spot mines, as well as enemy positions. In Brink, operatives can also spot mines. So what I suggest is that Aimee’s third eye camera can’t detect enemy players. You have to plant a third eye cam in a location, and then use the camera to focus on an enemy deployable, which includes Proxy’s mines, Bushwhacker’s turret, Aura’s health station, and Kira and Stoker’s ammo station. Like using binoculars, you press the use key, or F as a default, when your crosshair is at a deployable, and that deployable will be marked. Your allies can see that deployable more easily and through a wall, so your teammates can better prepare for what’s ahead. To balance this out, whatever deployable is marked by that third eye cam will become unmarked if the third eye cam detonates, or is destroyed, and you can only mark deployables through the third eye cam, meaning it can mark whatever it can see, which means enemies must place deployables in hidden locations, and you must place third eye cams in locations where you can see everything clearly. Like in ETQW, if you are looking through the third eye cam to mark enemy deployables, enemies can still shoot you and kill you.

As for what happens when an enemy picks up the deployable and redeploys it somewhere else, it depends if you think this third eye cam ability is too powerful or not. If it is not powerful enough, the deployable will remain marked if it is still in the field of vision of the third eye cam. The field of vision is whatever you can see through the third eye cam, and has this invisible cone. If a deployable is in this cone when it redeploys somewhere else, it remains marked. If it is deployed outside this cone, then it becomes unmarked. If you think the third eye cam is too powerful, if deployables are picked up and redeployed, Aimee will have to look through her third eye cam again, and re-mark the deployable.

So to summarize how to differentiate Aimee from Vasili? Vasili detects people. Aimee detects things.

All 4 recon mercs can detect people and things without the enemy killing you, whether it is redeye’s IR goggles, Vasili and Aimee looking through the scope of the rifle, Aimee looking through the third eye cam, or Phantom just standing in enemy territory while being invisible. It is just that you either have to tell your teammates through chat, or type out the description on what is going on, which takes a long time. Vasili’s heartbeat sensor puts some red diamond thingy over top of enemy heads for allies to see. Aimee’s third eye cam, when it detects deployables, makes a bright outline of the deployable through walls, so you don’t have to tell your teammates, or type in what you see through chat.

You know what? It would be cool if Aimee’s third eye cam can also detect friendly deployables, so your allies can find a friendly health station behind a wall or something.

(Szakalot) #2

not a bad idea but imo detected deployables should stay detected. Its not like people (good players) won’t know where the deployable is once detected and the camera explodes. Enemies are likely going to dispose of the camera very quickly, and pace of DB is too fast to use it purely in the sneaky way like in QW.

Alternatively camera could have some type of home-in function that would allow it to destroy a specific deployable. So aimee - sabotagist.

(signofzeta) #3

The deployable is marked so long as it is still in the conicular field of vision. If your enemy moves the deployable out the field of vision, your team can’t see it. If your enemy moves the deployable within the field of vision, your team can still see it. If deployable is redeployed outside the field of vision, then redeployed back inside the field of vision, it becomes unmarked. If third eye cam is destroyed, your team can’t see enemy deployables and won’t know if it has been moved.

The third eye cam marks deployables based on who deployed them, and Aimee has to hide somewhere to look through the third eye cam and put the crosshair at the deployable, hold the use key, and mark the deployable. If owner of deployable moves it, deployable is still marked if it is in the field of vision. If someone else puts in a new deployable, Aimee has to use third eye cam to mark it.

List of detectable things that Splash Damage can decide whether to be detectable or not:

Auto turrets
Sticky bombs
Health station
Health pack
Ammo station
Ammo pack
Heartbeat sensor
Third eye cam

Splash damage should also decide if third eye cam can detect only enemy or both friendly and enemy deployables.

Since third eye cam is sticky, stick it on enemy players and blow them up. Stick it on friendly phantoms and have a mobile third eye cam, provided that Splash Damage changes phantom so that what ever sticks to him becomes invisible as well.

Deploy third eye cam has a cooldown. Detect deployables with third eye cam has no cooldown. Make enemy deployables into friendly deployable for a limited time has a cooldown.

(AssortedStuff) #4

As it happens in Battlefield 3 (haven’t played the other Battlefields)