Credit for mine kills - to the person who shot the mine

(FireWorks) #1

We all know the great feeling of blowing up Proxy with her own mines. The kill feed then says suicide and doesnt reward you the kill.

Could we pls get the kill (and XP etc) to whoever triggers, especially shoots the mine?

This also applies to Fletcher… and maybe others i dont think of right now.

(tangoliber) #2

Yea, would be a nice little fix.

(FireWorks) #3

Just hope other people like it too and post a bit support :smiley:

(Mustang) #4

As a Proxy I don’t like people stealing my mine kills by shooting the mine right before it would get the kill anyway.

(Ecano) #5

Good point

(Szakalot) #6

thats a pretty rare occurence

(FireWorks) #7

When does that ever happen? FF server?

(Mustang) #8

Yes I was talking about friendly mines, I realise now you were talking about enemy mines.

(poiuasd) #9

It would also be nice if shooting an enemy mine would damage other enemies than just the Proxy who put it down.

(Loki.) #10


(Destroy666) #11

I’d also like to see both the killer change and the possibility to damage more opponents.

(light_sh4v0r) #12

+1, and the same for stickies. Just tonight I shot a Fletcher as he was throwing a sticky and it exploded in his face. Counted as suicide, I got nothing.

(alphabeta) #13

I agree; mine kill should go to the enemy who shoots the mine, and it should damage every Proxy teammate nearby. Did someone say Friendly Fire?

(Chux) #14

Mine shooting is a dumb feature I would remove altogether, that would also fix this issue :stuck_out_tongue: