How to change a map settings??

(vipfarkas) #1

Hi all!
Now I would be interested how to change a map settings?
Example: gravity… panzerwar… etc… :slight_smile:

(Tardis) #2

It may help People on what Mod your wanting to change ? but in most case’s you should find this in your server.cfg file

I.E from Silent MOD



Enables/Disables Panzerwar. 1 is enabled, 0 is disabled.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



Set minimum speed for !crazygravity command.

Type: Integer

Default: 10

Minimum required version: 0.7.0


Set max speed for !crazygravity command.

Type: Integer

Default: 1200

Minimum required version: 0.7.0

(vipfarkas) #3

Thanks, but i do not what I meant :frowning:
Here example:
When loading the Siwa Oasis map, then load with a cfg file.
It is possible? :frowning:

(Tardis) #4

You should be able to set what you want on a cfg file and save it as oasis.cfg and the server will load it from I.E silent\mapconfigs but it all depends on what MOD you are using .

(vipfarkas) #5

Thank you very much!!! :smiley: :smiley:

(vipfarkas) #6

I have NoQuarter 1.2.9b6 MOD. I try, but not many succesful.
If you ask, send an example. :frowning:

(Micha) #7


Changes directory for custom mapscripts. Similar to ETPro’s “b_mapScriptsDirectory”.

Type: string
Default: “”

So put - set g_mapScriptDirectory “mapscripts”
in your server.cfg
Create a folder in the noquarter folder and name it mapscripts.
You can create/put the map cfgs in there but they should have same name as the mapname. Not sure about noquarter but etpub and etpro have problems with upper case letters
-> Map running: Oasis while mapscript name: oasis.cfg
This will result in non loaded mapscript because the name is different.

This lua fixes this problem for player map votes (mapscripts should be always lower caps):

(vipfarkas) #8

Thank you!
If it works, you’ll get admin level in my server :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

(Micha) #9

It should work if you do it right. I do not need admin lvl. I do not even play et anymore :stuck_out_tongue: