Song at the end of map

(Kaco123) #1

Hello, I would like to set song at the end of map. I saw that on few servers. I have Noquarter 1.2.9 Server. How to do it? Also I would like to set a song on the begining of the map.

(stealth6) #2

For song at the end of the map you need to replace the “30 seconds remaining” sound file with your own file or if you mean the intermission music, then you need to change that file. To play something at the beginning of the map I guess you could replace the “fight” sound that’s played when the warmup ends.

(Kaco123) #3

Could you tell me where is this file “30 seconds remaining” I found “fight” but can’t find 30 sec…?

(twt_thunder) #4

its not in NQ pak .
Its in etmain pak 0 and you MUST NOT change that!

you need to make a new pk3

(Micha) #5

You need to take the song you want and cut it to 30 sec. Then change the format to mono 22Khz and .“wav”. After this create a pk3 and create folders named “sound/music” in there (the path must be correct -> sound/music/x.wav)
Put the files named “allies_win.wav” and “axis_win.wav” in it (must be lower caps). At last, put the pk3 on your server in the noquarter folder.

Clients need to download this pk3 now so you better have a fastdownload.

EDIT As Tardis said: Important is to have a file name in which the first letter comes after the official pak file.
So if you have a noquarter.pk3 then your custom pk3 should be called for example: o_customsounds.pk3

(Tardis) #6

[QUOTE=Micha;536320]You need to take the song you want and cut it to 30 sec. Then change the format to mono 22Khz and .“wav”. The create a pk3 and in this make folders: “sound/music”
Put the files named “allies_win.wav” and “axis_win.wav” in it. At last, put the pk3 on your server in the noquarter folder.

Clients need to download this pk3 now so you better have a fastdownload.[/QUOTE]

You also need to name your PK3 with a zz_ E.G - zz_Music.pk3 on the server side so it overright’s Client File’s and Server File’s (take’s Priority)

Have a look at the PK3’s here

and here

Give you more of an idea :slight_smile: