Not avaiable on Steam...

(AidenDemon) #1

SD are you in your mind? This is that how you want to get your profit - just show your middle finger to some people who want to play your game? Are you here SD? Tell me why this game IS NOT avaiable to all regions? Or you thought some people is too stupid to play?
Fix it! Because it’s disrespectful to your fans who waiting this game.

I live in Kazakhstan, it is not even Russia what all free world have problem with. I can understand you have not working servers for this far but is that a problem? Don’t be ridiculous.

(SeppOCE) #2

Not all games have the rights to be distributed to certain countries and yours might be one of them.

(AidenDemon) #3

Holy christ HOW is it can be possible?? Damn it, unbelievable! :hog:

(Mustang) #4

Was just reading an article on Steam and came across this gem:

(Protekt1) #5

You chase the people who spend the most money, because ultimately that is where revenue is generated repeatedly. DB does seem to cover a lot of regions though tbh.