gib change suggestions

(Protekt1) #1

So we’ve seen quite a few people suggest that gibbing people is too difficult and/or that head shot kills with sniper is too strong since it auto-gibs. I don’t necessarily agree with that perspective, but I think gibbing could still change in a positive manner that in a way satisfies both sides.

This suggestion has two parts to it.

1. Kills that finish with head shots deal bonus overkill damage.

The concept is simple. If you down someone with a head shot, you deal bonus damage that counts solely towards gibbing. This could be tweaked a lot for each weapon. If they wanted to, a sniper could no longer instant gib everyone and only instant gib if you are below 150 hp, just as an example, which would make fraggers and heavier not instant gib but take any amount of damage more to finish off.

2. Damage while downed penalizes health gained when revived.

So lets say you kill someone. They are downed and you start to gib them, dealing about 75% of the damage required to finish them off. Then they get revived. Instead of reviving with 50%-100% health, they spawn with 25% of that. So a 100hp merc would revive at 25 health instead of 100 health (from full paddle charge) because you dealt 75% damage to them while they were downed.

There is a third part I thought of while writing this.

3. Being revived reduces the amount of hp you have while downed next time, until your downed hp pool is 50%.

So basically if you keep getting dropped, you are easier and easier to gib. Resets on full death. Maybe resets once you’re fully healed? Maybe after 30 seconds? Just an idea I came up with on the spot and isn’t fully fleshed out.


I think the importance of being difficult to gib should remain because that makes medics very valuable in team fights. I think people overstate how difficult it is to gib, but they aren’t completely wrong. Adding a skill based component to make gibbing easier, like the first one with headshots dealing bonus overkill damage, I think is a good way to promote a little bit of skill/strategy while alleviating the issue people have with gibbing with bullets.

The second suggestion is aimed at the whole “medic train” issue. I think of it more as a potential issue than an actual issue. But I think this is something that could be pretty beneficial to the game and could add some tactics to defeating a well entrenched team with multiple medics (or even a single medic).

The third, and even second suggestion, add an attrition element to the revive tools available. I think it could just be another strategic layer to think about. Perhaps at one point even a headshot kill from an assault rifle would instant gib, because of the first suggestion where head shot kills deal bonus overkill damage.

(Volcano) #2

just lower the amount it takes to gib someone say 6 rounds and then make it the same for all the classes and stop letting them move around so much its a real pain when you try to headshot someone on the ground and they turn away so you can only bodyshot them now

(Protekt1) #3

I think that is a poor solution since some mercs should be naturally better at killing than others. And this is one aspect that should not change.

(BioSnark) #4

I like the sound of some of the suggestions but I’m also considerably more happy with how medic performs now, after the revive nerf. I’d like to see more of how medic, including Sparks, is playing now before getting into more balance changes.

(Bangtastic) #5

Totally agree.

Plus another suggestion:
Do you think is it helpful to add gibs to ending scoreboard or give some mission like: gib X number of players?
Im sure a lot of new players are not really aware of this mechanic.

(Szakalot) #6

Like all the ideas but I disagree with this, gibbing takes forever in this game, and you can never hope to gib a high-hp character if they have a medic around. Imo defeating a team with multiple medics has very little to do with sophisticated tactics and all do with instagib nades/sniper ; TDM bumrush, and a lucky knife here or there.

I think it shallows the gameplay, as very rarely can a nice non-instagib pick result in a push/rotation/etc. since the character is likely going to get revived within 2 seconds. It also promotes a TDM gameplay-style, cause dying is not punished enough.

I’ve had best ‘team-fights’ in execution-mode precisely because people were ‘afraid to die’. Imo this is a very important element of an FPS game, if you live-n-die by every 20seconds, how is it not TDM? The fear of dying and ensuing consequences should be there, atm. the only fear is to die on full spawn.

All the changes you suggested could help, imo 2nd one in particular; I do think though that a 20-25% decrease in merc ‘body-hp’ would go a long way already to make gibbing easier, while still preserving the necessity for medics

(Smooth) #7

Some fun facts for you guys:

[li]The highest incap health of any Merc is 100hp (90hp mercs have 90hp incap health)[/li][li]Any additional damage done in the killing blow is carried over and takes away from Incap health[/li][li]Locational damage multipliers still apply to downed Mercs - shoot for the head![/li][/ol]
There is a small window after players are killed and are falling/ragdoll-ing where they are immune to damage, I think we’ll be adjusting this first.

(Szakalot) #8

There is a small window after players are killed and are falling/ragdoll-ing where they are immune to damage, I think we’ll be adjusting this first.[/QUOTE]

sounds good;

90hp mercs have 90hp incap hp
200hp rhino has 100hp incap hp? definitely feels like a big difference to gib aura vs gib rhino, and not just 20hp

getting rid of that immunity would probably go a long way already, as typically you keep firing on whoever you just killed to gib them asap

(kenpokiller) #9

Anyone else have no difficulty with this at all?

Then again it’s such an ingrained habit for me to just switch to knife all the time.

(Volcano) #10

you wont always be in range to knife someone is the whole discussion here so you need to shoot them

(Runeforce) #11

Yep, same here. I completely disagree with the OP. I think it’s way too easy to gib already. If a change to the system would be needed, it should go in the opposite direction, of what is suggested. But it’s just fine really.

(Humbugsen) #12

There is a small window after players are killed and are falling/ragdoll-ing where they are immune to damage, I think we’ll be adjusting this first.[/QUOTE]

this would be great, as it’s hard to tell when this immunity starts/ends, usually you end up wasting TONS of bullets

(dlul) #13

Removing health to revived people makes revives useless (if you’re 10 hp in a crossfire, you can’t shoot a bullet before going down again. So attackers lose)

Just let ppl gib in 6-7 bullets and the game will be balanced.

(kenpokiller) #14

Agreed on this though
but nothing that can’t be learned after some play

(Mustang) #15

The worst part about gibbing for me is when you take time to aim for the head, fire a shot, the body instantly spins 180 degrees and now you’re aiming at the feet, re-adjust aim to head, too late they’ve been revived.

(Glottis-3D) #16

thats is exactly why i always aim for the butt. its always in the middle…

(amazinglarry) #17

Yeah the ‘death spin’ always gets me into trouble when trying to gib from afar. What the hell is the story with that? Known issue?

(Mustang) #18

Haha, death spin, sounds very sci-fi.

(Protekt1) #19

[QUOTE=dlul;531717]Removing health to revived people makes revives useless (if you’re 10 hp in a crossfire, you can’t shoot a bullet before going down again. So attackers lose)

Just let ppl gib in 6-7 bullets and the game will be balanced.[/QUOTE]

You get revive immunity to run to cover, plus if you’re getting 10hp it means you were pounded by bullets while you were downed.

(Amerika) #20

I pretty much go for the head and if I start to see it spin I just aim center mass. It’s pretty dumb that it happens but at least it’s fairly consistent most of the time in both that it happens and the timing in which it will happen. Still not sure why it happens though. I can’t imagine somebody on the design team was all, “hey, let’s have an incapacitated person break dance. That will be fun…right guys? Right???”