HQ ET:QW vods, who has 'em?

(Pakaa) #1

I went on a nostalgia run recently and felt like watching some of the old ETQW-TV vods… but to my horror the only videos I could find were on youtube in 360p. :frowning:

I remember these being hosted in HD at some point, I’ve googled some but couldn’t find any and tbh I’m kinda lazy.

So does anyone know a good source for old comp vods? And why hasn’t that Greased-fellow uploaded better vids to YT?

Would be fun to have!

(Rex) #2

Hey dude,

QW vods are not so easy to find, especially not in full HD quality. Though I uploaded some vods in 1080p from my competitive matches and I’m able to upload even more. I obviously cover mostly only my side of competitive matches, but I played against 95% of the clans. If you are looking for a specific clan or match it needs some time and work to gather the demo or to research the inet for.

Rex’s replay thread
https://www.youtube.com/user/BratensaftHeinz/videos :wink:
Example match (not oldschool, from 2014 but with team voice!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tqZtvWwlYQ

I can help you searching if you search something specific.

(Pakaa) #3

Thank you! That’s part of what I want. :slight_smile:

I watched the game you posted and an other against mamut.si, good times were had. It’d be nice to have demos from old tournament finals and such if you’re able to find them, stuff with hubris and whatnot!

It’d be good to have games with commentary and a good overview as well though. It feels like such a shame that the vods of old are not preserved in a better way. You can barely make out what’s happening in the vids on QuakeLive-TV/ETQW-TV:s YT channel.