Reporting unappropriate Game player name

(-PogS-) #1

I found a player named Sieg Heil Hitler. I don’t think this name is appropriate. Maybe take actions to have him renamed.

(Amerika) #2

Names are handled through the Steam client. I think the best that could be done is a filter that would pop up a message saying you can’t join a server without changing your name after authenticating. But then people would just bypass it easily using different character sets/spacing.

(-PogS-) #3

Ha yeah I forgot this was managed through Steam. So I guess there is little SD can do about it. Maybe they can add a filter or manually take actions when such things are reported.

(Mustang) #4

Just report him through Steam and let Valve deal with it.

(AssortedStuff) #5

Wasn’t it possible to change IGN through the console? If that’s still the case there isn’t much that Valve can do (in some cases), as the in game IGN could in theory be different from the Valve IGN.

(Zenity) #6

That was removed, it’s in the patch notes.

(Protekt1) #7

I remember the days when people didn’t bitch and cry over someone’s name, even if it was “inappropriate”. Hint: It isn’t inappropriate to have a name you don’t like.

(-PogS-) #8

This is forbidden in some countries like Germany for good reasons. If you don’t see the reason why it can hurt people then I suggest that you open a history book.


Grow a thicker skin or get off the internet.

(Matuka) #10

I’m sorry, but this is really the true solution to your issue.

(-PogS-) #11

Everybody must act like a guardian of the Internet. This is the responsibilities of all to make it a better place. If you let it go and accept it then you’re an accomplice. If you don’t do it for you, do it for your forefathers. This is a matter of ethic and collective memorial to fight such behaviors. You may be too young to know or have known people involved but I don’t. My grand father has been deported to Germany. At least respect those who might get hurt or choked by it and support them instead of giving a **** about it.

(Runeforce) #12


(Zenity) #13

Names like this are not offensive if you don’t let them be, but they are pure trolling of course. Asking how to report this is legit, and it has been answered: Through Steam.

No need to turn this into a pointless discussion about thick skins and political correctness, that’s what the troll wants after all.


I’d rather have censorship free Internet. Thank you very much.

(-PogS-) #15

Names like this are not offensive if you don’t let them be

It’s hard to prevent myself from finding that offensive.

Zar, you have little empathy, I feel sad for you. Your world revolving around you seems so small.

(Protekt1) #16

“do it for your forefathers”

Should do stand up.

Might fail.

(Nail) #17

have a couple new stars

(PinkFrog) #18

Plus that guy used aimbots… :frowning:

(-PogS-) #19

I begin to think these forums are roamed by many low IQ red necks congratulating each others… It’s kinda funny, in a way :smiley:

(Szakalot) #20

IQ is your measurement of a person’s worth?