Sagan on Roids: Cards above bronze DO give you gameplay benefits, not just skins

(Tomme) #1

Just posting Sagan on Roids post here, link:

We all knew you got exclusive augment and weapon loadouts with silver and gold cards before, however in this update you explicitly state (in-game store): silver, gold and cobalt are 100% cosmetic, this is wholey untrue and needs to be addressed immediately.

Besides this great update! :slight_smile:

(Amerika) #2

Yeah. The only standouts really are the M4 Gold Fragger, if you want to run M4 on Fragger, as being potentially the best and the Get-Up/Potent Packs/Mechanic card for Sawbonez that you can only get with Silver or Gold. The rest, for now, are inconsequential unless I missed a really solid one. It’s yet to be seen if Cobalt has one exclusive loadout extra like Silver/Gold has.

(Szakalot) #3

ive asked about it on stream and Exedore said they do not intend for these exclusives to be more powerful than other cards. He didnt say if the idea is going to be dropped altogether: ‘heated internal debate’. Regardless, he also said the gold crotzni sawbonez you mention will likely be released as bronze as well.

(Szakalot) #4

The more I consider this, the more I think the situation should be normalized to all loadouts being available at bronze stage.

Its not really about whether a particular loadout is strong/must-have in comp.

The only thing that will matter is players perception, and if some loadouts are bronze-exclusive game will look like P2W. Regardless of all the decreases in grind, renewable missions, free rotation, etc. etc. Nexon seems to have a really bad P2W reputation, and no ammunition should be given to the haters.

Imo its just not worth it, for every one player who will buy into the must-have exclusive gold card, there will be 10 leaving with a P2W whine stuck on their faces. First make the game grow as large as you can, and try to cash in second! : )

Since the new loadout preview screen, I hear a lot of people going ‘ooh’ and ‘aaah’ over the sweet rare skins, so you’ll get plenty of cash that way to be sure!

(Runeforce) #5

It’s even less of an issue now, then when the post linked to was created, because with the changes to the quest system and credit earn rates, those loadouts has been significantly easier to acquire, especially if you spend a lot of time on the game.

(Tomme) #6

Having to rely on chance to be competitively viable is harmful and should not be part of any design.

Simply including the silver and gold exclusives with the bronze tier is all that needs to happen.

(Runeforce) #7

You don’t need those cards to be competitively viable. But you need to use a heck of a lot of time on the game to be.

(Tomme) #8

I would strongly argue they you do.

Look at Sawbonez’s CR73 loadout card with Get Up and Potent Packs, no other loadout gives you both these augments, it is not a trade off; you flat out have a statistical advantage over other Sawbonez players with bronze loadout cards. With two equally skilled Sawbonez players, the player with the CR73 will be much more effective and they are only more effective because they got a certain loadout card by chance.

(Runeforce) #9

So what you are saying is it should be nerfed?

(Tomme) #10

I am saying tiered-exclusives should not exist or at the very least there should be equal trade off between all three augment loadout cards. (No loadout card is objectively better than another)

(AssortedStuff) #11

Someone else suggested for every augment to have a draw back, a downside.
“You get more % of this but in turn you’ll have less % of that”

(Runeforce) #12

Could be cool to hear what Echo has to say on the matter of the Saw. CR73 CO and OP’ness. It’s quite a nice loadout. I want it myself :slight_smile:

(Zenity) #13

In lawyer speak they didn’t exactly lie, since you don’t get more augments or anything, just different ones.

That said, I agree with everybody asking for these exclusives to be removed (added to the bronze tier). We now have custom skin variations for the same gold card and super rare cobalt skins. There is more than enough rarity for players and collectors to wrap their head around. The exclusive cards only ruin what would otherwise be a completely well-liked system.

(titan) #14

Think it would be nice if instead of every character having a clear ‘best’ loadout they should try to balance it so that every loadout card creates an interesting choice.
The closest we really have right now is fragger with lmg or fragger with m4 and explodydendrom

more choices like this would be nice and make getting crap cards a less common occurrence

(Rémy Cabresin) #15

And I’m just sitting here wondering/annoyed why we get all these options but are still not given the options to trade and/or sell cards(for credits or steam market idc) we don’t want. All these ‘buy our stuff’-options are great, but we’re still stuck with the crap we don’t need or want. Cobalt cards, yaaaay, more cards that unless you get the one you want you can do **** all with :confused:

(Amerika) #16

Just for the sake of argument the SMG9/Pick-up/extra supplies card is on par and potentially better than the Silver/Gold only CR73 due to how important the extra supplies are in comp play. But that’s debatable due to playstyle, comp and situation.

But I agree that there should not be tier exclusive cards and they should all exist at bronze and simply make the skins pretty awesome for Silver on up. That will be PLENTY for most people to go for them and remove the whole P2W argument when the flood of people start playing the Open Beta.

(amazinglarry) #17

The scariest part for me reading that is his ‘average credits per game’ math of 500 credits haha. I get less than half that.

(Szakalot) #18

its all about how long the game took. The skill bonus does influence your $$$-increase rate, but by no more than 10-20%