V-say suggestions...

(tangoliber) #1

First of all, the V-say censoring seems to be too extreme. Not sure how many I can use in what duration of time, but it feels extreme. As long as we are mixing up the v-says, and not spamming them every 5 seconds…I think we should be able to use them freely.

Some V-says I would like to be added:

“You Rock!”, or some kind of compliment aside from “Great Shot!”
“Push Left”
“Push Middle”
“Push Right”
“Group up”
“Split Up”
“They are at the objective!”

The current voices you have are great…but I think you still have room to sell alternate voice packs for characters. :slight_smile:

(spookify) #2

How about simple ones like V6 and its says your class and blinks you on the mini map!!

V6 = “I’m a Medic” so people know a medic is coming!


Reverse it so every time a person V21 or V22 (I need a Medic OR I need Ammo) Those Classes hear that command louder then others and it appears on a mini map and possible over the players head with line of sight. Over the players head I would like a Red or brighter color then Blue! So you know something is up.

(tangoliber) #3

Yea, that would be cool too.

Really, really need an equivalent of “Shazbot!” Oops just doesn’t have the same crunch.

Can we just use Shazbot? I don’t think Tribes owns the word since it came from a TV show. We can just assume that all of the Mercs played Tribes during their high school years.

(Szakalot) #4

Problem with vsays seems to be that only one person can ‘talk’ at the same time. If two people ask for ammo, first the vsay for one person will be announced, and only then the vsay for the second person. If you add to that narrator voice over’s, many vsays are said way way too slow, and defeat their purpose.

I’d MUCH rather have QW system where if one person starts a vsay and another pops up in the middle of the current one, the first one is stopped short and the second one starts.

Sure, some vsays will be interrupted but at least we won’t have the crazy VSAY lag as it is now. If i ask for ammo NOW i want to ask for ammo NOW.

(Zenity) #5

I was wondering a few times about a “fall back!” option, does it exist somewhere? If not then I would like to add this to the bag of suggestions. It seems so appropriate whenever the team is overextending and not realising that the next objective has become vulnerable.

(matsy) #6

There definitely needs to be v6 for your class. Very frustrating when someone asks for Ammo, or a Medic And you can’t reply!

There also needs to be a better indication of when people ask. As I have to notice the text pop up, then look for their name around the map. A bit of an effort!

(tokamak) #7

Or V+Aim at location+ wheel menu ‘Danger/On My Way/Hold/Push’. Which would then give a subtle marking on the wall or ground wherever you aimed.

(Humbugsen) #8

yes to everything mentioned in this thread

I miss “We need an engineer!” and i would love to spam some “Wunderbar!” :smiley:

(S0und_) #9

über offtopic question, but is there any way to keybind certain vsays?

Like in the good old days:

bind 1 “voiceteamchat sorry”
bind 2 “voiceteamchat medic”
bind 3 “voiceteamchat needammo”
bind 4 “voiceteamchat thanks”

(Protekt1) #10

I know 2 vsays.



(BioSnark) #11

need my “I don’t care” vsay back so I can not care when people teamkill me when friendly fire is added.

(Loffy) #12

I would also like to have v6 for "I am… [class]".


“They have broken into the bank!”[/I]

(Chux) #13

“we need a ninja deer”
“cake in fire”
etc :stuck_out_tongue:

(matsy) #14

Can you disable requests when the player is gibbed. E.g. I need a Medic, I need Ammo etc.

(eitsch0r) #15

… i would like to be able to request a medic/ammo AND DIRECTLY afterwards be able to thank them if got helped.

i.e.: let me put at least punch in 2 vsays in rapid succession … if that should be possible as of now … i am not able to do that.

also: I am missing a “I am a …” too, hoping that not as many tap out while i am rushing my syring… erm, buzzthings near them.