Being revived Bug

(pHine4s) #1

Sometimes, actually quite a few times now - I did not yet figure out under which circumstances - I can’t move or do anything else than rotate when I’m revived. I still can be killed though …
Selfkill is the only thing to do then, after this everything is back to normal.
Anyone else having this problem?

(redtractor) #2

Something tells me that you have been killed when using MG. I know that there was a bug with that. After revive the merc stuck on mg and stay there until next death

(meat) #3

It happens to me. I get revived and can’t move.

(pHine4s) #4

I’ve seen the thread on this.
I was indeed talking about a regular revive on free space, not even close to any architecture, plain ground.

(ASD) #5

this happens often I only see it related to nested MG or EV MB

(Violator) #6

Just had this happen to me on Chapel while on an MG - can only /kill.