How to make crates more exciting

(Szakalot) #1

Give us temporary access to the merc that the case dropped for!

Say: lead case gives you 2-3 games with the merc, with higher tier cards giving more time to play.

Would certainly add some excitement to the drop, rather than ‘great- another card for a merc i dont have’’ and encourage people to test different loadouts.

If you get a drop on a merc you already have: great, its a card for your merc!; or if you found ‘your’ loadout, you can now trade it in, make another card for a merc of your choice, and get a few games in.

You encourage people to find out more about your game without the feeling of a paywall: people can get excited from trying a particular loadout and will save up for that merc, or buy them outright.

Crate drops frequency could be dropped down if you think it will give people too much content (with Gold being something like ‘free access for 24h’ and silver at 12h, i dont think it would hamper your $$$: people still need to get that merc to play them whenever they want.

We the beta testers will be fine, playing the game as mercs come out allows you to somewhat keep up. With the merc starter pack you can get a good headstart, but if you are a true F2Per (and a lot of people will), than you feel very limited in your ability to experiment in the game; and how much worse its gonna get when you have all those 15 mercs in front of you, but cant play any of them?

(tokamak) #2

(Szakalot) #3

This isn’t so crucial atm. but for release; if you are F2P player , being able to try out 2 new mercs for a while from the rotation, and maybe 1 more merc you unlock from credits in the meantime is too little content for the ‘grind’. Even though people would be better off focusing on gameplay mechanics themselves, all those F2P players see games only as a grind to get the new unlock. the possiblity to try out new things temporarily will take the edge off the grind.

This makes each case drop satisfying: ‘great I can try that merc for a change’; and maybe even be enough value for the steam market?

(kyuto9) #4

I like the idea, this might even replace the rotation system. It’d bring more team variety, and more often too.

Also I think the game miss an “exchange” feature, like the “Trade” system from valve. Simply being able to trade cards with other player in a dedicated menu, could be another solution to make crates less boring. It would show like this :
“Player xxx offer : 3x Bronze SawBonez <—> 1x Silver Aura ###”
Once a player wants to deal, he clicks on it, check the demanded card and click “Trade” and the offer vanishes and everybody is smiling.

Although I didn’t think about the consequences on the game economy with such feature.

(Protekt1) #5

I don’t like the whole spinning thing. I’d rather have the case animate openly nice and smoothly and then the inside is illuminated in bright light like in pulp fiction’s briefcase and then the light slowly dies down to reveal what you have earned.