How to play against nader?


Any ideas? I havent figured this out yet.

(BioSnark) #2

turn friendly fire on.

(Rex) #3

Shoot her in the head.

(ragnak) #4

Kill her with grenade.

(tangoliber) #5

I read that in a thick Russian accent.

(fubar) #6

Hold W…

(Rémy Cabresin) #7

Her nades are really only crowd control, holding chokepoints. They don’t do a lot of splash damage(nowhere near to Fragger atleast). They are timed so u have some time to dodge/run if you see them in time. Also making sure you gib is a 100% must normally but vs Nader it won’t be forgiven when you don’t gib and then run over her.

Honestly like fubar said, keep moving around seems to be a strong counter. Only way she will quickly kill you is a nade that hits you hard and then finishing you off with her SMG.

(Neo_TA) #8

nader’s grenades isnt that bad tho they have a blast radius i think so long as u dont sit on them u wont die

i have 1 tip tho if you are out in the open with a nader spammer run towards nader so the nades explode behind you and you can shoot her in the face

(Amerika) #9

Did anybody spend a significant amount of time with her the last time she was available and has used her again today and can comment on any changes that have been made? The nades, at least initially, don’t seem as destructive as they were back then and neither does martyrdom. They seem more like area denial now which is a good thing. Yes, it’s still spammy but at least you have a bit of time to avoid it in many cases. However, this could just be my perception being colored by my limited time with the pre-steam build. So if somebody more qualified could answer I’d be appreciative.

(ragnak) #10

I only played against her when she was avi but from what i can tell it does look like aoe is smaller and you can stop martydrom easier, also didnt she had 5 nades before ?

(Violator) #11

I think she had 6 nades before. She doesn’t seem as lethal as the last time - 4 nades / 6, the martyrdom seems to have a lot longer activation time and the nades themselves seem to do a lot less damage to players and the EV. The SMG seems just as good though.

(INF3RN0) #12

Has anyone tried using her nades for explosive jumps w/ the perk for self-dmg reduction?

(edxot) #13

you have to get as close to her as possible. dont ever retreat, keep moving forward, and keep jumping at the same time she shoots (preferably).

(Chux) #14

It’s hard to test since I lack currency to unlock her and have no intentions to spit out any cash in order to do so. The measures are kind of counter productive :confused:

(Glottis-3D) #15

izi to play against Nader.
i just press tilda…

(NeroKirbus) #16

I’m curious if that perk will make it so you won’t be blown away as far…

(shibbyuk) #17

Yep, holding w seems to work well.

The biggest difference I noticed to the game was the final objective on underground, which is now like a firework display, a real grenade spam magnet.

(Szakalot) #18

Feels like nader got nerfed all over the place:

  • martyrdom can now be ‘canceled’ by getting gibbed
  • 4 nades (used to be 5, and used to be 6 before that)
  • longer fuse on non-direct impact nades

Other than that

  • AoE & damage seem the same
  • I think cooldown was boosted considerably.
  • maybe slight nerf to rate of fire? but seems fine

Overall I like the direction of these changes: nades can be used as AoE denial, or if you have the skill you can pop one in someone’s face for 80 damage. Martyrdom nerf wasn’t necessary imo, but its also nice as it allows for interesting counterplay - you can’t just sit there and wait for someone to get close, as if they get too close - they will gib you before the nade goes off.

If anything, I’d rather have faster fuse on nades with some nerf to cooldown.

(neg0ne) #19

i think nader is very well done.
some nerfs, like szakalot wrote ( in addition a nade shot into someones face from close distance doensnt lead to a instakill but bounces off ) and shi is prepered for her task without being op or too spammy.

(pHine4s) #20

I’m sure not the best aimer and play most of the time aura (blishlok) and get killed quite easily - but even as aura i find nader not very hard to kill, easier than any other merc, i survive most dogfights. Is her head bigger that i have so many hits on her? does she move somehow slower? haven’t played her myself yet.
However, i dont find her OP.