Unified Quick Ability shortcuts?

(S0und_) #1

We had this issue in the Alpha and later on it was fixed. Now we are back to ground 0, so my problem is the following:


[li]QA1 - Healing station
[/li][li]QA2 - Defibrillator


[li]QA1 - Med pack
[/li][li]QA2 - Defibrillator


[li]QA1 - Artillery spotter
[/li][li]QA2 - Ammo pack


[li]QA1 - AirStrike Marker
[/li][li]QA2 - Ammo pack

And i guess BBQ has the same setup.

So my problem is, between the 2 type of classes “giving stuff to people (ammo,hp)” is not on the same Quick abiltiy.

Personally i would like to see the medpack/healingstation/Ammo pack/ammo station on the same button. I find it frustrating when i play a field type of merc, then i switch to a medic type of class, instead of giving HP to the team, i pull out my defibrillator. And i’m just standing there and wondering, why did i do that…

(S0und_) #2

Let’s not forget about this! Since we have a new patch, and still nothing!

(Szakalot) #3

its not as simple as it sounds

skyhammer ‘q’ : airstrike, grenade

fraggers ‘q’: grenade

naders ‘q’: grenade launcher

am i the only one that never confuses the two (ammo n health packs)?:smiley:

Besides, for ammo pack spam your better off hitting ‘5’, it allows to sometimes throw to packs at once, when animations gets buggy:wink:

(S0und_) #4

Aaaand you are talking about only one half of my problem, you Suck-a-lot. :frowning:

(Mustang) #5

This is how I’d like my binds to be set:

Q - Defibrillator
E - Health Pack

Q - Defibrillator
E - Healing Station

Q - Defribrillator
E - Healing Aura

Q - Revivr
E - Health Pack

Q - Air Strike
E - Ammo Pack

Q - Artillery Strike
E - Ammo Pack

Q - Orbital Laser Strike
E - Ammo Station

Q - Molotov Grenade
E - Ammo Station

(Szakalot) #6

lul, didnt know i had to adjust to your desires.

(S0und_) #7

r46253 - the problem is still there