Give Incentive For The Carry Objectives...

(PixelTwitch) #1

Just a quickie…

Could you do a trace from the pick up point to the drop off point and get the length of the trace. Then when the jug is picked up do a trace from [Pick Up Point] -> [Player Carrying] -> [Drop Off Point] and give points depending on distance from the Drop Off Point it was taken. Thinking around 250 - 500 points for the full carry length + the additional transmit points if it was achieved. Currently there is no reward for moving the thing at all. This simple addition could get newer players willing to carry the pick up and AT LEAST bring it closer to the objective for a few points.

(Szakalot) #2

The only way I see for people to want to pick up the jug is to

a) be able to fire a weapon while holding it
b) not have to stare at it and press ‘f’ to pick it up

(prophett) #3

Since starting playing again a few days ago I think I might have picked one up and repositioned it (on chapel). Aside from that I never touch it.

I find myself way more inclined to grab them on bridge because that’s the way doc runs are supposed to be - beat the defence, grab obj, and escape while being chased.

The objective run on white chapel is just plain boring.

(Zenity) #4

[QUOTE=prophett;524609]Since starting playing again a few days ago I think I might have picked one up and repositioned it (on chapel). Aside from that I never touch it.

I find myself way more inclined to grab them on bridge because that’s the way doc runs are supposed to be - beat the defence, grab obj, and escape while being chased.

The objective run on white chapel is just plain boring.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. You need somebody to carry the objective somewhere nearby completely without risk. Then when the enemies are beaten, you need somebody to go and grab it… if ever there were tasks which scream “water boy” then it’s these.

The doc run on Bridge is far more engaging and rewarding. Yet I got the impression that many don’t like it either, because it’s too easy to run away with the objectives? I still think that’s how a doc run should be. IMO the ideal is that the pick up point is closer to defender spawn and drop off point is in a neutral position which can be reached by both about equally (or a bit closer to attacker spawn).

(prophett) #5

The doc run on Bridge is far more engaging and rewarding. Yet I got the impression that many don’t like it either, because it’s too easy to run away with the objectives? I still think that’s how a doc run should be. IMO the ideal is that the pick up point is closer to defender spawn and drop off point is in a neutral position which can be reached by both about equally (or a bit closer to attacker spawn).[/QUOTE]

I think a revised version of bridge addresses the quick/easy run. Not sure why the current version we are playing hasn’t been replaced yet :confused:

(DarkangelUK) #6

Need to stop putting big giant markers on the screen telling the enemy where it is
Remove the need to hold F to pick it up
Allow shooting while carrying

I don’t need bribed with XP to carry it, it just needs to not be a chore to do so.

(Destroy666) #7

Definitely agreed.

I think it should be limited though - for example only to secondary pistol weapons in one hand.

(Mustang) #8

The reason no-one wants to carry the objective is that you can’t shooting whilst carrying.

(DarkangelUK) #9

I don’t really understand why, RtCW, ET, ETQW, i’ll even reach and say Brink, plus the bombs in CS and CoD you can all use your main weapon and they only have 1 objective to deliver, DB has several and it’s just a pain in the arse. There is no logical or game design reason to limit your weapon when carrying the objective, it just puts people off doing it.

(Szakalot) #10

I suppose the idea is that the obj carrier is being ‘covered’ by the team while making the run. But its extremely heavy handed and not really needed, seeing as the game already pushes for teamplay VERY heavily.

a) its not fun to run with the obj

b) if the obj is dropped its a hassle to pick it up again

c) there is little incentive to pick up the obj, because its hard for the opposing team to return it.

RTCW/W:ET obj runs were intense due to the CTF-style mentality. You have to stick together so the obj can be easily pushed, you also have to pick it up again before an enemy returns it.

Perhaps there is fear that allowing the obj to be insta-returned would make the runs very hard to do. Regardless, instead of having to stare at the milk jug and hold ‘f’; something like an AoE radius in which the obj can be automatically picked up / returned would be more exciting. Kind of like mobile version of Underground’s old ‘capture’ objective.

(Glottis-3D) #11

agree with Szaka - intencity and risk that you had wityh ctf-like mechanics (take/return on touch) is a fun stuff regardless everything else.
i mean even on worst maps there was adrenaline at those moments, where you deny the delivery or deny the return or make it through with 1hp and deliver.

(montheponies) #12

But this has been mentioned repeatedly - without any sign that SD intend changing the method. Standing still and pressing ‘F’ to pick up the objective (and doing the same for longer to return) isn’t a fun/slick mechanic. Worst still is picking up an object right beside your spawn and running with it to the enemy spawn (all of which without being able to fire). Guess what, if you’ve just died and respawned chances are that you’d rather have a go at shooting someone.

It is slightly better on bridge as you’re battling your way in to grab the jug - and yes on the modified version the transmission point is equidistant so doesnt bias Def/Off allowing for more chance of recovery. All of this has been discussed ad nauseam yet there is no sign that it will change.

So, back to the OP - treating the symptom of the poor mechanic with XP boosts doesn’t appeal to me (i couldnt care less about my xp), but it might work for others. If you want to make a trade, how about giving the objective carrier either a speed boost or additional health (wrap it up in some pseudo reality like the jug is acting as a shield).

Personally I’d just go back to the RTCW model.

(kyuto9) #13

I disagree with “carrier able to shoot”. As already mentionned, it’s meant to push the team to support the carrier. Also i see nothing wrong with the “f” pick-up thingy. It’s not that long to grab. If you want to pick it up without interruption, just walking through it, okay, but then slow the carrier down of 10% of his usual speed.

Something else that “could be” considered is the possibility to actually THROW the objective. So you can get it closer to teammates or covered spot, or even directly from player to player, why not. With of course a perimeter throw limit.

(DarkangelUK) #14

We have examples of where the carrier being able to shoot works perfectly fine
We have DB as an example of the carrier not being able to shoot not working very well

You can’t force people to do something that they don’t like, no matter how much you think they should.

(Kl3ppy) #15

Being not able to shoot while carrying is the main reason why I never pick up the jugs.

(kyuto9) #16

Hm I can’t really rage against it tho. I pick it up, find my way in the mess, drop it hidely more or less and fight back. 75% of the time i die, but that’s the game, i like the adrenaline being the carrier provides, especially because i can’t shoot. Just my opinion… which is uncommon apparently.
I just wonder how it would not be too easy to get the objective to destination if you can shoot at the same time.

Unless you do something about the shooting (no ironsight while carrying, or slow reload, no weapon swap?).

(PixelTwitch) #17

I still feel this is mostly down to poor map design and side bias.

If carrying the objective made you feel like a ****ing ninja and allowed quick travel due to complex jumps. I feel it would be enjoyed and done a lot more. If you was going to return to carrier can shoot, I would like it to only be heavies and with a pistol personally. The carry objectives should be very attacker bias as well.

(Szakalot) #18

I think pick-up mechanics are a bigger issue than whether you can shoot or not.