Drafting with loadout cards

(BAMFana) #1

It looks like SD is planning on implementing drafting in June, as reported in this thread: http://forums.dirtybomb.nexon.net/discussion/1797/not-confirmed-small-view-into-upcoming-features

This is something I’ve been suggesting and hoping for since I first joined the alpha in 2013, so it really made my day to see that this is in the works. There are no details though, so bring on the speculation.

As there aren’t enough mercs to allow for Dota 2 or LoL style hero drafting, an idea popped into my head. Why not draft loadout cards instead? There are many ways of doing this which would add strategic depth to the game and promote diversity in gameplay. One example could be simply to provide the teams with 40 random loadout cards to pick from, with ban and pick phases as seen in Dota 2 and LoL drafting.

This would promote strategic depth as teams will have to carefully consider which cards to pick and ban. This would also promote diversity in gameplay, as there would be no guarantee that a certain player can play certain merc, or that certain classes will be available to the team at all. Players would have to diversify their skills and practice a wide range of mercs, and teams would have to practice playing with a wide range of different merc compositions. This also fixes the potential pay 2 win issue associated with loadout cards currently.

That’s not to say that there shouldn’t be any changes to the loadout card system, but this sounds pretty sweet to me.

(Rex) #2

Not interested in playing cards.

Do you seriously think this would add any depth? Really? XD

(slanir) #3

Some sort of drafting similar to hearthstone arena could be fun :slight_smile: See how far your team can get without losing 3 games.

If someone is unfamiliar with hearthstones arena the concept is: You are presented with 3 random cards and get to pick one of them, then 3 new and so on.