Console commands

(CCP115) #1

I know this isn’t really a technical problem, but I wanted to ask about a few console commands which I find mandatory in most games. I’ll start with a few:

Showing FPS:

stat FPS

Going offline to try out maps:
If you want to explore maps/practice jumps alone you can start a local LAN server by starting the tutorial and entering the following cmd into console “switchlevel obj_xxxx”.

switchlevel obj_xxxx
OBJ_CanaryWharf (Underground)
OBJ_Map_6 (Dome)
OBJ_Victoria (Terminal)
OBJ_Whitechapel (Chapel)

Feel free to add more, or ask for more commands that you might want.
Does anybody know a code for checking network stability and stuff, similar to net_graph in source engine? i wanna check my packets.

EDIT: \Code still broken, using \Quote for now