Fire to Cancel Reload

(Mustang) #1

There is an option to cancel reload by sprinting, but this doesn’t feel right for me, could we also have an option to enable cancelling reload by firing. Of course it should only trigger on mouse1 down, as opposed to mouse1 up, and then immediately start firing any remaining bullets in the mag.

(Smooth) #2

Switching to secondary is generally the best option if you’re caught mid reload.

Attack isn’t used to cancel reloads in most games as far as I know. Probably because it’s too easy to press and would also remove the cost of entering into a reload.

Entering a reload is meant to be include risk as well as reward. You’re supposed to be vulnerable for X amount of time unless you switch to another weapon which takes a little time.

PS. Entering and exiting sprint also takes a similar amount of time as raising a pistol.

(Mustang) #3

Yea I currently always weapon switch to cancel, and it gets me killed everytime.

Of course the alternate (preferred) solution is to increase TTK.