
(edxot) #1

good and bad news.

i found myself in youtube :slight_smile: (thats the good news)

but in the end of the video there is something quite weird. the class names in german are diferent:
medic/technician -> sanitater/versorge
engineer/constructor - > techniker/konstrukto

i wonder if all these years i was saying “need more techs” people thought i was asking for more constructors.

(acekiller345) #2

700 views in 6 days? There arent even 700 people still playing QW…

Troll [SUB]post [SUB]is [SUB]troll [SUB]post[/SUB][/SUB][/SUB][/SUB]

(edxot) #3

you got me

since 1919 i have been wondering how could i troll even harder. and after long research, i finally had my master piece ready. and also a legion of little trolls, all ready to view the troll post. 2 years waiting to find the right schedule, and then 28 jan 2015. the perfect day for the monster troll post deployement.

btw, if you call that a troll post, i wonder what you call this one, or yours.

(Crytiqal) #4

The trolling in your original post refers to the so called “bad news” cliffhanger and you keep us all wondering. Shame on you. Or the ever so luring “unbelievable” :o :o :o :o -_-

(edxot) #5

ok, probably you already knew about it (how the word “tech” can be missleading). but i didn’t.

even if i don’t play the game any more, i am sure some of the remaining players will find this information usefull. even more if the most crouded server is in germany.