Dirty Bomb Connectivity Issues

(Silvanoshi) #1

Hello everyone!

We’re aware that there are connectivity issues with Dirty Bomb on Steam at this moment in time. We’re working with Nexon to resolve the issues, and get the game back online as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

We’ll keep you up to date with the latest service status, so be sure to keep an eye on our forum, Facebook or Twitter channels.

Apologies for any inconvenienced caused.
The Dirty Bomb Team

(Silvanoshi) #2

Okey dokey folks. Things are back to normal now. Thanks for bearing with us!

(Floris) #3

I was almost planning to quit DB forever, how dare you go down on us for a few hours! Just kidding of course, you won’t get rid of me that easily :slight_smile:

(Seanza) #4

Can we please get a few hours extension onto the closing time of DB on the 20th? Or perhaps an extra day to compensate À la PSN? :wink:

(Nail) #5

I’d rather have cake