we cant blow the 2nd container

(ASD) #1


we where not able to blow the 2nd container…
different players tried to plant…

in the 2nd round of stopwatch the oposite team was able and so we lose :slight_smile:


(Mustang) #2

Did they disarm a plant in the last second?

I think this is what happened last time I saw this bug.

(ASD) #3

“they” you mean the other team i… if so … no we attacked the first stopwatch round … and didnt manage the second container … then they tried and they was able… also becaosue bad defense from our site :slight_smile:

(Mustang) #4

I meant did you plant, they defused, then you couldn’t plant again, or was it not even possible to plant on the first attempt.

(ASD) #5

cant say for sure if some one plant before…

(Ca9ine) #6

This happened again today in a round this morning.
We blew the first container straight away, and were unable to plant on the last one -ending up losing the round.

There is no indicator showing you can press [F] to plant. The icon was showing however on the container itself.