Drone-based OBJ making for non OBJ mercs?

(Glottis-3D) #1

this comes from post in a 3x proficiency thread.

but i decided to make a different thread, because this idea is about changing the mechanix, and go closer to the class-restrictive objects.

main points:

  1. engies do OBJ with blowtorch very fast (like current speed), they dont need anyone.
  2. any non object mercs (medics, soldiers, fops, snipers) can do ‘a little bit of OBJ’ with a help of a drone. This drone will build around 20% of OBJ (repair/disarm/hack) and then expire its energy and break.
  3. the cooldown for drones is rather huge ~ 1 minute.
  4. so. if engie repairs almost full ev and died - everybody can finish the job. in 5 seconds.
  5. no medic will spend enraging amount of time for nonsense things like we have now with newbie medics repairing EV.
  6. for comp: full team of non object mercs can go full repair with drones.
  7. This brings back the need to kill the engie. because he is the only one who can build on his own. Other mercs can only contribute to the OBJ. Imho this is a huge difference, and this can bring some excitement back to the objects.

and we can have hack objects back with covert-mercs to be ONES.

(INF3RN0) #2

Why can’t we keep all these topics in one place… a new thread for every new idea is not necessary. My idea was different too, but clutter is counter productive so best to keep one active topic imo.

(Glottis-3D) #3

offtopic is also counter productive.

some more on idea:

usual situation - an engineer aproaches the OBJ, that is currently repaired by lets say medics. when engie starts repair - medics do not repair anymore, but they still try to repair.
Anti said - and he is right, that there is not enough feedback from game, that says ‘Your lameass repair skillz are not needed anymoar’
But with drones-mechanix, this feedback is not necessary. just because medics do not repair anything. drones do.

(INF3RN0) #4

I don’t like the idea of the drone as much as the idea of being able to stack repairs with an engineer. It’s similar to what I mentioned in the other thread, in that I think the engineer perk should also include the ability to stack on objs. Still I think having each merc have a set of strengths and weakness when it comes to general obj actions is an ideal compromise. The old system of ‘soldier plant, covey hack, etc’ was a bit nonsensical, but making them perform an obj in a unique way is way better than flat % proficiency. An engineer being able to stack and repair faster without any penalties makes them the ‘best obj class’ theoretically.

The other thing to note is plant/disarm times. I’ll have to check on what those are currently, but I think they need to be longer now with the new spawn timers.

(tokamak) #5

The four proefficiency threads should just be merged again. The ideas mentioned are great but they’re only useful if compared against each other.