The minimap

(sentimentalDime) #1

Why is it even in the game?
It basically does nothing, I swear, i didn’t even know it was there until I had like 60 hours in the game.

(Black) #2

I’m guessing it’s a generic mechanic in alot of shooter games as to why they implemented it.
Dirty bomb is too fast paced for it. Quake live understands this already which is why they don’t have one.

(Jostabeere) #3

Well, actual good players use the minimap to detect enemies/teammates and so on. It ain’t useless just because you find it useless.
I am not such a hardcore pro, but I find myself using the map in combination of footstep-sounds/weapon shots. Sometimes when I take cover or I hear shots/steps behind me, I check the map to see if it’s a teammate and if there isn’t one, it’s obviously an enemy.
I also believe, you see enemies who are shooting on the minimap, but I’m not sure about that.

(sentimentalDime) #4

[quote=“Jostabeere;123276”]Well, actual good players use the minimap to detect enemies/teammates and so on. It ain’t useless just because you find it useless.
I am not such a hardcore pro, but I find myself using the map in combination of footstep-sounds/weapon shots. Sometimes when I take cover or I hear shots/steps behind me, I check the map to see if it’s a teammate and if there isn’t one, it’s obviously an enemy.
I also believe, you see enemies who are shooting on the minimap, but I’m not sure about that.[/quote]
You only see teammates and the objective, not enemies.
And i didn’t say it was useless, rather, I feel the space on the screen is wasted, because the minimap does so little.

(FlatBeat) #5

I may be the minority but I use the minimap a fair amount in pubs,I glance at it to quickly see where my teams coverage is and where we need to fill gaps or spread out.I could play without it but its far from useless.

(kopyright) #6

Then you should get yourself another Vassili.

(Frogteam) #7

You can turn off the map spin in one of the configs, I’ve found it more useful when it’s not spinning around.

This is a real Signature.

(Jostabeere) #8

[quote=“sentimentalDime;123290”]I feel the space on the screen is wasted, because the minimap does so little.

Isn’t it the definition of useless?
I mean, you’re free to think it does a little or nothing.
I personally don’t take it too seriously, too. I use it only from times to times.
You’re free to use it or not. People suggested about the ability to deactivate it.

P.S. we obviously need drones for a 3-killstreak so we can see all enemies on the map :wink:

(Backuplight) #9

[quote=“Jostabeere;123425”]P.S. we obviously need drones for a 3-killstreak so we can see all enemies on the map :wink:


Replaces your primary with…


(sentimentalDime) #10

[quote=“Backuplight;123485”][quote=“Jostabeere;123425”]P.S. we obviously need drones for a 3-killstreak so we can see all enemies on the map :wink:


Replaces your primary with…

Nah, I’d prefer if you got a screaming 12 year old, who ‘‘fucked your mom last night’’.

(Amerika) #11

I have never used the minimap despite it being on my screen the whole time I’ve played. But this doesn’t surprise me too much as I’ve also never really “seen” Fragger’s finger count animation during normal play. My brain just sort of blocks it out and everything else and I simply rely on timing and my hearing for most things.

(blisteringOwlNest) #12

I mostly use it to see where my team are pushing, or where people are who need health/ ammo. It’d be nice to have some extra info, such as ammo cache’s or deployables on it.

(SteelMailbox) #13

I sometimes look at it to get a fast sitrep of whats up. But mostly it is useless. I prefer it there though then not there

(Izzy) #14

I have used it only to put my ammo station to see how many people will hit it and how many XP I ll again. I feel quite ashamed now :confused:

(Dawnlazy) #15

I don’t even have the minimap in my HUD.

(Mura) #16

I use it on a regular basis, just sucks though it’s not as big as I want it to be. I find it helpful being able to track things with it.

(ThiagoJaqueta) #17

I think that the minimap could have some more Info on it
First: Display Ammo/Health Packs/Stations. And your deployables, like Mines, Turrets, Heartbeat sensors… pretty much everything.
Show on the Minimap where your airtrike is going to land, also, if you have “Guardian Angel” Augment, it could show where the enemy Airstrike is going to land.
It would be cool to see the Team mate icons with their classes icons.
The Medics would be show as a cross, the Support would be show as a bullet, the engineers as a wrench, and so on.
And last, but not least, have the hability to control the minimap properly, if you press - and + on the keypad, it’ll zoom in and zoom out, but it’s bugged.
My idea is to Zoom out only while holding C (which show the teammate names through the walls) Also, I wouldn’t mind to see their class icons above their heads too.