Red model indicators for objective drop locations

(FrostyChilli) #1


I was wondering how can I make a transparent red model for objective drop off like in Goldrush the gold crates are or radar parts in Radar map.

Thank you!


I dont really understand here:

do you wish to put the red-transparent model for gold in your map?

  • then I recommend to search in your folders. (becouse they are there)

If you wants to make your own model… then it should be textured with a red transparent shader (I guess) :slight_smile:

But a modeler should know this better actually.

(Teuthis) #3

I agree with Ove. I think there is even a general trans doc model that is usually used to mark the area where e.g. documents have to be dropped. I think this might serve the purpose but might not look to fancy. If you want the trans to look exactly as your model you need the Master of Models, which is Thunder :slight_smile:

look at TheWolfTeam website if you need a hint :slight_smile:

(Mateos) #4

You can copy your model, open it in Q3 Model Tool, and replace it’s skin by the glowing red shader of ET. Copy so you can have the model to steal with the correct skin :slight_smile: I expect the shader to be in a shader file called effects or gfx, gotta check.

In Gold Rush: models/mapobjects/goldbox_sd/goldbox_trans_red.md3
Skinned with the shader: textures/mapfx/translucent_red

(FrostyChilli) #5

Thank you!

I will try to get it working.

Cheers, Frosty

(phisherman) #6

Npherno’s MD3 Compiler & MD3 Viewer has served me well for retexturing models. This simple tool is real gold and easy to use. Open MD3Compile.exe, click on ‘Import Objects’ and point it to your ase/md3 model, then select all available objects. The dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner contains all objects, and the text space below contains the path to the shader that this object will be textured with. Select all objects one by one and point them to Mateos’ translucent_red shader. Then choose ‘Export Objects’, all objects and a new filename. And if everything worked well (it didn’t), your model is now red and translucent.

(FrostyChilli) #7


Mateos: I tried to find textures/mapfx/translucent_red from pak0.pk3 but to no avail. I just couldn’t find it. Instead I created my own .tga file 512x512 with Gimp and moved it into my map’s textures folder. Named it “red_trans”. Added information from mapfx.shader into my map’s shader file and replaced texture location and name. Then I added my map’s .shader file into /scripts/shaderlist.txt and /scripts/defaultshaderlist.txt. And it seems to work if I apply it to for example a brush in Radiant. If I then load up my game, it works…Brush is red and flashing. However phiserman, if I tried to add the texture the way you told me to, it didn’t work. I mean my model is saved separately but it still uses textures from the old location. If I try to import my new model( which I exported), the second line(path for texture) is not my set path but old model path.

2 questions.

  1. How to get MD3 Compiler to work correctly?
  2. Is there a way to remap, add another texture or skin to a model in entity’s properties menu?

Thank you!
Cheers, Frosty

(Mateos) #8

A shader isn’t always a physical file: just apply it on surfaces and you’ll see.