the name of Mojang

(FAQIS) #1

Hi, I was drinking my daily morning cup of coffe and started to, without any actual reason think about: from where comes the name mojang?

(mojang is a game developer like id-software, but better :P)
You know the creators and developers of the very popular game “minecraft”
IIRC: did they also make a game called “scrolls”

The first ideas I did get was that notch (the boss?) did take a random name that from the beginning was 2 word at latin for positive meaning (just like people making forum and game aliases)
That theory has one week point: mojang is swedish and they can therefor use a swedish word instead as swedish already sound like somekind of spelling.

Then I saw something: the swedish word mojäng is very near mojang?
They did replace ä with a to make it more english and more welcome outside sweden.

Then you may ask: what means “mojäng”?

Mojäng is used as a word for a more advanced thing.

Can you give me that thing = kan du ge mig den där mojängen?

But this ISNT clear swedish, its a unsirius word and
its usually replaced with the more sirius “sak(en)”

So correct swedish: kan du ge mig den där saken (tack)?

Swedish for the garage: ge mig mojängen (för fan)

Tack = please
För fan = for satan (used as “and hurry up!”)

So Mojang should (based on my idea) mean “thing”.

(stealth6) #2

mojäng: Swedish for gadget

(FAQIS) #3

Wtf?!?! Didnt have a f-ing clue about it I promise.

Okey but gadget, thats more correct than “thing”

But I think gadget and “grunka” is the same word btw

However grunka, sak and mojäng means about the same thing in swedish…