Spawn camping?

(ECE-666) #1

Yesterday i had this game at Fueldump and i was with the axis.
The allies sucked so bad that the axis automaticly pushed them back to their spawnpoint. I was covop with akimboluger and a fieldop was with me. Together we could kill all that came out of the spawn. Of course this is Spawn camping,but what do you expect me to do? Wait for ages till finaly one of them dares to show his face, only to get shot down by the tank machine gun we took over? I left that game as it was completely boring. But what would you do? Wait for allies to show them selfs or atack head on?

(BondyBoy007) #2

If there are more players on axis than allies then you should have joined allies and seen if you could stop this spawncamping (challenging but fun)

(ECE-666) #3

It was 8vs8 and half of the axis where just building stuff and doing nothing (probably get a drink). I could stop the allies together with 1 other guy. They were incredibly stupid. They saw that they didn’t make it out of the front door. so they took the back door. Where i had moved too right before they spawned.
But i left so they should have been able to exit after that :smiley:

(StormShadow) #4

/callvote shuffleteamsxp

Playing in a game thats ridiculously unbalanced isnt fun for either side. My suggestion would be to try to shuffle the teams, and if that failed, just leave the server.

(amazinglarry) #5

shuffle XP votes do NOTHING! I stand by that unwavering. I’ve been in servers where axis have won the past 4 or 5 maps, and the second allies start ALMOST winning (like building the assault ramp on battery in less than a minute then planting at the gun several times… Axis calls shuffle xp votes! WHY! Every single person on axis has more XP! But now that they’re not winning they’re whining and trying to take the easy way out. This happens ALL the time and I’m so sick of XPShuffle votes!

If you want the teams to be even and you’re so fucking righteous about it then why don’t YOU switch teams?!

Even more annoying is when either both teams are totally even in XP, where a shuffle XP vote would literally move NOBODY, or when somebody tries to get a shuffle XP vote in the FIRST MAP of a campaign in the first 5 minutes! Stupid people!

Anyways… whew… done with my rant… ECE, what you should have done is what BondyBoy suggested and joined the other team, even if the teams were even, just go spectator for a few minutes. However, if that doesn’t work then just leave like you did. No sense in wasting time there.

(Agrado) #6

Err, except shuffle the teams, which may well help if the teams are uneven.

That’s not going to help if you’re on the underdog team, now is it.

This is also entirely sensible… if the person knows the teams are uneven, there is no reason not to do xp shuffle at the beginning of the campaign. Yes there is no xp, no this doesn’t matter. The teams will just get randomly shuffled, which will often help.

(amazinglarry) #7

I’ve never played a map where shuffle xp has made any difference. :disgust:

(StormShadow) #8

Uhh, where do you play…
I admit, a lot of the time shuffle by xp doesnt do a whole lot, but ive seen it help more than ive seen it hurt.

(amazinglarry) #9

Uhh, where do you play…
I admit, a lot of the time shuffle by xp doesnt do a whole lot, but ive seen it help more than ive seen it hurt.[/quote]

It’s helped maybe 3 times… it’s hurt maybe 15 that I can remember… because about those 15 times it was the last MINUTE of the map… and the entire other team was upset that they were losing so they called the vote and for SOME REASON it passed… so that’s basically a half hour of playing for no reason… no stats, no xp, no win or loss… nothing…

(Sick Boy) #10

Shuffle XP does help. In most cases, teams will be more balanced out than before the shuffle. Not totally balanced, but better than the white coloured vs clanplayers situation before which I’m really getting sick of.

You need balanced teams (not only in number, but in skill as well) for the game to be really fun. :disclaimer: at least for me :cool:

I used to switch to the losing team, but that only has influence on servers with a low number of players, or when you own everybody else. But it makes you frustrated when it has no influence at all, so nowadays I prefer just joining another server when a shuffle vote failes when it’s really needed.

(Kendle) #11

I usually vote NO on an XP shuffle unless it’s at the beginning of a round, as it re-starts the map, which can be a pain.

Also, I don’t accept that players with the highest XP are the “better” players. They’re just the ones that have done more things for which XP is awarded. I’d rather have the Covert on my team that uses smoke and spots mines, than the one who has a shit-load of XP cos he’s stolen the most uniforms but never uses them to infiltrate.

Besides, XP shuffle seems to have a little physical effect. I’ve done shuffles which only move 1 or 2 players, out of a full (20 slot) server, so I’m not sure how the figures are calculated in the first place.

(Sick Boy) #12

If after 10 minutes it’s plain and obvious the attacking team will never win, you should vote yes, otherwise you’ll have another 20 minutes of boring ownage. Do the shuffle and it will in 95% of the times be better than before. Unless you have these stupid ‘I think I’m 1337’ players who will switch teams again right after the shuffle to the likely winner.

You will have to start the map again, but that’s ok, because you love these maps or you wouldn’t be playing, and you’ll lose your XP (and we don’t care about XP do we Kendle :wink: ).

(Kendle) #13

“Beginning” could mean the first 15 minutes (of a 30 minute round). I’d certainly consider 10 minutes to be near the beginning. I wouldn’t vote Yes howver if someone calls a vote after 20-25 minutes. Best finish the map and call the vote again at the start of the next.

I was playing on some Euro server the other day (may have been Boomtown, not sure) and someone was constantly calling XP shuffle votes within the last few minutes of Battery. Every time the vote failed they called it again, over and over. They even called a vote with only 30 seconds left on the clock!

PS: Do you lose your XP after an XP shuffle? Hadn’t noticed. Shows how much attention I pay to my XP! :wink: If that’s the case I might start voting Yes all the time anyway, just to f*ck up the Xp whores. :bash:

(amazinglarry) #14

Well in my view it’s never obvious that the other team will never win. Anything can happen really, and the slightest change can make all the difference… i.e. if the other team suddenly becomes determined or something.

In any event, after 10 minutes it becomes obvious that life is tragic and you’ll most likely win anyways so just deal. :smiley:

(puubert) #15

I agree, XP shuffles usually work. If one team is totally outgunned, ANY change seems to be for the good. Rarely you’ll still get an uneven balance after the shuffle, but that’s because as Kendle said, XP is not an accurate representation of skill. For the most part, they are good things.

I usually vote for them in they are in the first half of the map. In the second half I tell people to wait till next map, or suggest them for next map.

Has anyone else encountered the people who’ll, after (as Axis) losing one of the AT Guns in 5 mins, will call for a map restart? I’ve only ever voted yes on a map restart, when (as Allies) the Axis got the tank part the switch in 30 seconds, while half our team was still loading into the map. We got the vote through though. At least some ET players have a sense of fairness.

(amazinglarry) #16

Yes you do lose the XP you gained during that round if an XP Shuffle passes… it basically starts the map all over again and brings you back to the XP amount one had at the beginning of that particular map.

I don’t care if shuffles are called and passed within the first few minutes of the game… it’s when there’s 1 minute left of a half hour map and you’ve been defending the whole time, barely keeping the parts most of the times, and it’s a fun fair game… and a shuffle XP vote passes… and I lose everything (my level 3 light weapons is what I’m most concerned with, even though I’ll get that in the first 10 minutes anyway) and that entire 29 minutes of your life has been wasted… the effort you and your team put in to stopping the other team from beating you has all be in vain. That’s the shit that gets my blood boiling.

Well said. I agree and will always vote yes if the teams are that unfair at the beginning, due to people loading the map for example. If the teams are just generally unbalanced I’ll simply switch sides. I vote yes because I actually like to PLAY the map, not just stomp through it in 2 seconds (though when it’s fair, it’s great fun). Though I can’t say I like playing Railgun that much. :smiley:

(ND80) #17

XP shuffles were a pain in the ass when they first came out and I ended up disabling the vote on my servers when people would vote to shuffle with one minutes left in a round.

Currently am running a pb job on the servers that allows votes to shuffle during warmp and only during the first minute of the map before being disabled. If anyone is interested, lemme know and I’ll post it.

(puubert) #18

I think Railgun is the most lopsided map, in the sense that if one team is stronger, then the match will be a infinite spawn camp, or over in 5 minutes. Some maps give weaker teams a fighting chance (Fuel Dump, Gold Rush) but Railgun, just by it’s set up, requires dead even teams for a competitive match.

(Kendle) #19

I assume you mean Some maps give weaker Axis teams a fighting chance (Fuel Dump, Gold Rush) cos a weak Allied team on either of those maps doesn’t stand a chance, and on Fueldump is going to get spawn-camped for 30 minutes.

(WarAdmiral) #20

yes fueldump is too easily defendable