Bring back command posts!

(NeroKirbus) #1

More secondary objectives would be ace for this game; implementing command posts would be a nice secondary objective to have in the game as long as it gives a substantial amount of power to fight over.

I would suggest a buff to whomever controls the CP; 10-20% cooldown to their active abilities. This would give the team that much more up time to their actives and an incentive to controlling it.

The placement of CPs should be in neutral territories where each team could vie for it at all points of the map (or at least accessible during the final half of the map). Otherwise it would be considered a permanent buff with very little control over who would have access to it. C4 would be the only way to destroy it to ensure that the team has control over the CP for a period of time.

This would create a secondary objective where teams will have a team member or two at for periods of time and creating more active areas.

(tokamak) #2

Also different ways of capturing that command post. Hacking, capture or that remote control thing. Not all command posts need to be the same thing.

Looking back W:ET Had the most hilarious cat and mouse revolving around the spawn posts and ETQW’s spawn posts were so incredibly significant. Pushing the team back across half the map is just incredibly satisfying.

(prophett) #3

Definitely agree. It’s an important feature that is seriously lacking in the current maps. Tie these in with meaningful side routes and we’ve got a winner - exciting/dynamic maps with more choices for the player.

(.FROST.) #4

COMMAAAAAND POSTS, YAAAY!!!, count me in folks. I’m waiting so long for those I even gave up on them. I’ll sign every petition to bring them in the game.

(.FROST.) #5

Everything he^ said.

(shaftz0r) #6

****, i dont even care if its a cp, just selectable spawns in general…

(spookify) #7

Its Freaking SW! Make it so!

Cap Flags
Build CP’s
Repair RV
2 Capture Points!

Fix Spawn Times

None Linear Maps!

Build an RTCW or ET map that is both vertical and linear!

Use your imagination or freaking look at past wars for layout and strategic commands and battle plans.

Next update! Please!!!

(Alchemy) #8

I agree with the OP, more side objs of worth that are not in the same path and loc as the main obj cough victoria cough . Some side obj that are worth taking and holding that are not in a location where defense can rotate in less then 3-5 seconds would be great.

SW should be tilted towards the attacking team IMO(thinking 55/45), SW should be abt who does it faster not if they can even do it at all.

(modded) #9

This could be interesting, but I’d rather be able to change spawn points, reducing cooldown might be too strong IMHO.

(Ceres) #10

I agree. Also, spawn points!

(NeroKirbus) #11

If it’s only 10-20%, it would knock off 5-10 seconds off for the longer CD’s. It is quite substantial, but there needs to be a reason to have control over it.

(BomBaKlaK) #12

Asking for more side objs, and command post since over a year now.

(n4ts) #13

Selectable spawn points would definitely be cool, but then we’d need bigger and none linear maps too…

(BomBaKlaK) #14

I suppose we need to forget it …
Last time they cut the maps in half, and next step is 2v2 in a 9m² map with a donnut in the middle and you need ot fight to be the last one eating the donnut. it’s a 30s map cause 4 min is to long.

(k0k0nat) #15

I’d rather see the real purpose on command posts in this game:

  • Faster spawntimes
  • Ammo Stations & Health Stations

(fubar) #16

[QUOTE=k0k0nat;501532]I’d rather see the real purpose on command posts in this game:

  • Faster spawntimes
  • Ammo Stations & Health Stations[/QUOTE]

Like forward spawns and 20% increased recharge time on all classes wasn’t quite enough already? :stuck_out_tongue: There’s absolutely no need for ammo/health stations in this game, you spawn with some odd 150 bullets for christ sake, ammo and medpacks both replenish your max value… in a single pack.

(AssortedStuff) #17

Just a quick reminder on something related.
I haven’t played Brink but I was watching some Brink videos (gameplay and reviews) and if Command Posts are implemented in Dirty Bomb something has to be done in regards to the constant Command Post’s announcements. In Brink, because they were taken so often by both teams, it would get annoying.
Perhaps an option in the settings to have it either as voice announcements or a graphic announcement on screen.

(tokamak) #18

In Brink the command posts were more like a chore that both teams had to keep track off if they didn’t want to fall behind. In ETQW and W:ET command posts were usually safe until a smart-ass decided to start trouble.

If the announcements are annoying then the true problem lies in the frequency at which the command post is capped. It means that the command post is either too hard too defend, not important enough to hold or too much into the way of the main route.