Profile Stats - First Pass

(badman) #1

If you’ve been playing the latest version of the game, you probably noticed that we’ve flipped the switch for the Profile tab, and it should now be collecting stats for matches you play going forward.

This is a first-pass implementation of the stats page, and not all of the items are currently updating properly (some, like the badges, require a client restart, for example). We’ll be rolling out layers of polish and general improvements for it in the next couple of builds.

In the meantime, go have a look at the stats section and let us know what you think of it so far.

(PixelTwitch) #2

Personally I feel that you display the stats in a none user friendly manner.

I also feel you do not track enough of the “right” kinda stats that people would be interested in and the stats are not personal enough to each class.
I wanna see (kira for example)

Damage Done
Damage Taken
Orbital Strikes Called
Orbital Strike Kills
Orbital Strike Assists
Number of times Ammo Given
Number of times Ammo Station Placed
Kill / Death
Kill Per Min
Death Per Min
Average Damage done per Life
Time with class
Time with class on defenders
Time with class on attack
% of time class used
% of time class taken into battle
Secondary Accuracy
Primary Accuracy
Headshot Accuracy
Most Used Primary (when this is in the game)
Most Used Secondary (when this is in the game)
Distance Travelled
XP per Min
XP Percentage vs playtime
Most Played Maps

And I would love all these to be visible to other players.
When it comes to the weapon menus I would like to see (when its in the game) Most used attachments and stuff like that.
I think the game could also do with a few more badges and a info about each badge on the menu :slight_smile:

(Bangtastic) #3

Well tbh presentating this load of info isnt user friendly at all. Arent already weapon stats listed? Only agree with damage, kill , death related stats. Headshots are taken for granted.

Good work badman always rolling :smiley:

(prophett) #4

Does it currently track headshot accuracy? (away from home and can’t test).

(Anti) #5

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;496275]Personally I feel that you display the stats in a none user friendly manner.

I also feel you do not track enough of the “right” kinda stats that people would be interested in and the stats are not personal enough to each class.
I wanna see (kira for example)

Damage Done
Damage Taken
Orbital Strikes Called
Orbital Strike Kills
Orbital Strike Assists
Number of times Ammo Given
Number of times Ammo Station Placed
Kill / Death
Kill Per Min
Death Per Min
Average Damage done per Life
Time with class
Time with class on defenders
Time with class on attack
% of time class used
% of time class taken into battle
Secondary Accuracy
Primary Accuracy
Headshot Accuracy
Most Used Primary (when this is in the game)
Most Used Secondary (when this is in the game)
Distance Travelled
XP per Min
XP Percentage vs playtime
Most Played Maps

And I would love all these to be visible to other players.
When it comes to the weapon menus I would like to see (when its in the game) Most used attachments and stuff like that.
I think the game could also do with a few more badges and a info about each badge on the menu :)[/QUOTE]

We want something much more detailed in future, but we have to build this in phases. This is phase 1 with partially built UI. Next we’ll fix the UI, then we’ll decide what phase 2 should include and improve it towards that, and so on.

(BAMFana) #6

Let the stat whoring begin!

(Bangtastic) #7

so an accuracy of 3.81232 means 38 per cent, right?

Without melee weapon it would be around 27-29^^

(spookify) #8


(INF3RN0) #9

Enjoy your cc farming fellas! gather pugs for the man folk :slight_smile:

(titan) #10

Hi please go easy on the new cc testers
o btw we’re now tracking all your stats!

(Glottis-3D) #11

[QUOTE=titan;496332]Hi please go easy on the new cc testers
o btw we’re now tracking all your stats!

(Smooth) #12

Just testing the system, they’ll likely all be reset several times so don’t get too attached to your epeen :tongue:

(Pytox) #13

also stats on how much you type in chat? :tongue:

(rookie1) #14

& how many days left before receiving your T-Shirt :tongue:

(RasteRayzeR) #15

I’ll ask the cc guys to squeeze together when I’ll be low on ammo :oppressor:

(Ashog) #16

HS accuracy is direly needed. Most important stat tbh :slight_smile:

(spookify) #17

Raise the skill ceiling!!!

(badman) #18

Thanks for suggestions so far. We’d love to hear what everyone else thinks about what stats we should be showing in there, so do keep your feedback coming. We’ll be tweaking and adjusting this part of the game in the future.

(chump) #19

Really like to see headshot accuracy. Also would be nice to view your profile during the lobby, and it would be cool to see your stats for a merc played during a round with a side-by-side view with your total stats of that merc - displayed on the scoreboard after a round. Not really liking the alphabetic sorting - maybe if it was divided by classes

(Glottis-3D) #20
  1. since all mercs have unique weapon, i’d suggest to make a kills-kpm-accuracy stuff for mercs, with additional info about what gun does this merc use.

  2. more essential stats needs to be more visible.
    HS accuracy

then Kills, assists

time played, shots hit are unneccessary

  1. W/L for mercs is unneccessary. Win depends on team and players and object-players mostly, not on mercs.
    What does it say - that when i play Bushwacker i mostly win, and when i play Stoker i mostly loose? What is this?
    And those circles? the whole mercs page seems not very interesting to me. combine it with weapons.