Do ambient/map sound affect fps?

(Loffy) #1

Do ambient/map sound have a negative influence on framerate?


[li]Map A has a stable framerate of 120 fps.[/li][li]Map B looks exactly like Map A but it has sound special effects, for example sea gulls, waves, barking dogs and similar. Some sounds are from the pak0 and some are custom sounds created by the mapper.[/li][/ul]
Will Map B have a lower fps?

I guess I can test this, but I was just wondering if any of you guys know anything about this or if you have any theories. My theory is that these types of sounds do not have a negative influence on framerate.

(twt_thunder) #2

Hey and good evening Loffy… Cant say I’ve experienced any difference :smiley:

(Micha) #3

I play sounds with lua (infected mod) and don’t noticed anything.

(Mateos) #4

How sounds would affect rendering, and thus FPS? o.o

Sounds uses the VIS when they have this option in their properties, that’s the single link I see between these.

Visually the same map maybe, but what about the tris count and what shows r_showtris 2?

(stealth6) #5

I was thinking something like this:
W:ET is a CPU heavy game I think, if you don’t have a sound card then sounds are also processed by the CPU so it could have some effect?

Not hard to test though, make a room with a couple hundred brushes and add lots of speakers. Compile once with speakers & once without.

(RayBan) #6

Nah… just got for it… toss in any sound ya want… it’ll all be fine…

(huPoo) #7

Depends a lot on the volume though. If it’s like ongoing music so loud you can hear it from everywhere in the map, your fps gonna be really bad. So answer to the question is yes, kinda.