Riley1360 Level 40, what gives?

(Jerry-Rigs) #1

We play a random match on Favela. You go first and straddle the exit before I can get out of my spawn area. I go aggressive and lose. You win. GG

I replay with a different squad but don’t move on the first move inviting you to go first. You use the same squad and do the same thing. I have a different squad but do basically the same thing. You win again. GG.

I throw a friend request. You reject it. Your option. Cool.

I replay with yet another squad and still don’t move on the first move inviting you to go first. You go for the same start. I slow my tactics to see if you will do anything. Nope. OK, I had thought about how to counter your tactics and came up with a solution. After I out maneuvered you and evened the match, you let the game expire.

Even if you think you’re loosing (you were), have the decency (balls) to play out the match.

I understand that sometimes life gets in the way but from my point of view, you just look like you’re a level 40 coward.

In case you can’t tell. you should consider yourself insulted.

(SuperNge) #2

Maybe he’s too young. Dont thing its so serious:)
Favela is a good map to see your self or your opponent. One time i play random in that map with my opponent - i hate his strategy much maybe he also hate me:D. I told with my self that never play with him anymore, i will reject when i play with him. But in this case, i must respect my self, respect him, respect my choice. I play until end, even i know sure i will lose there with my random squad.