Dislocated sounds from various weapons

(Rex) #1

You can hear weapon sounds close to you, but in fact they are far far away. Very often you hear a random grenade launcher spamming near you, although he isn’t even around, etc.
Super confusing!

(spookify) #2


(chippy) #3


(Billy_Hologram) #4

I stopped Proxy’s shotgun doing this the other day and will catch the others too, seems to have become more of an issue recently.

If you hear it on certain maps only or in particular areas of maps I’d be interested to hear more.

(Rex) #5

Do you really think it depends on the location? I’ve experienced it on all maps on random positions.

(Billy_Hologram) #6

For the most part no it doesn’t matter on location, but there has been one instance where it was a factor.