node without volume


When i compile i saw; warning node without volume, what is that?
I got 2 node without volume

(Mateos) #2

Have you run a Brush Cleanup? (the icon on the left, second line, with 2 arrows pointing to the back of each other, one blue one green)


No… must i do that?

(Mateos) #4

Always, it fixes possible wrong brushes.


Hm a cuople of brushes became selected, what should i do with them

(Mateos) #6

They were deprecated and they’re now fixed. Check they haven’t been distorted (should happen only if the map is decompiled anyway), and try to compile :slight_smile:

(twt_thunder) #7

here’s more on this topic… had it myself once too:


It doesnt matter if I making a brush cleanup, there is still nodes without volume

(twt_thunder) #9

search link up right on forum, search terms node without a volume… you get a whole lot of result


Hm i get rid of one, while i deleted a section of the map and rebuilded it…

(Mateos) #11
