Where is everybody?

(FireWater) #1

I am just curious, past few days I logged in and no games are going on :frowning:

Where is everyone?!:infiltrator:

(onYn) #2

Same. Just wanted to jump in, and check out some things and no one is online. Seems like people are bored :confused:

(FireWater) #3

Well I am in now, I hope thats not the case.

(Volcano) #4

I’m at home most of the time:penguin:

(Protekt1) #5

Probably has to do with the other betas going down today. Personally IDC for bf4 though.

(onYn) #6

Sorry for this post, I am just dissapointed somehow rignt now and want to put on some flame :stuck_out_tongue:

It´s probably because this games, how it is today, doesn´t feel as exticitng as


(I actually never played ET xD, still looks awesome)



and more like

(it´s just the alpha gameplay on London Bridge for people who doesn´t want to open a new tab)

what is the same as


Still beliving and hoping for it, to become as good and succesfull as those before of course. So no offence SD :slight_smile:

(samsiiipxl) #7

totally agree with onyn :rolleyes:

(Dthy) #8

Man that sniper is really good! :smiley:

(Dormamu) #9

if i could pick a movie who had all the things i loved in ET it would be this one:
[video=youtube_share;6Gx7dcXgnqQ]http://youtu.be/6Gx7dcXgnqQ[/video] :smiley:
Tho i think most of the players are still out, celebrating ETQW birthday :smiley:

(Angrim) #10

To be fair, none of the compilations posted here includes scenes that were played in a Closed Alpha build.

(onYn) #11

Of course it´s not fair :stuck_out_tongue:

(TracyJackson) #12

I see that there are always people online, just not actually in a match. Every time I log in, I see at least 20 players online (I even saw 68 online once), but rarely do I see more than one full server. mostly just a bunch of 1 or 2-players servers. So we are online, just not actually in a map.

(Volcano) #13

needs more of this


(Glottis-3D) #14



(INF3RN0) #15

Is this the thread where I can plug my sponsors?

(Volcano) #16

If you’re not WindKun you’re a nobody

(Kl3ppy) #17

I love it, guys are complaining that no one is playing insetad of playing. Hilarious :smiley:

(onYn) #18

In fact our little Self-help Group played some Games right After this Thread came UP.

And yeah, Jopi was decent in this Movie :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: Screw autocorrect on Smartphones!!!

(potty200) #19

If you want to play tonight I just posted a pug game on the comp forum. Hope you guys can join me :slight_smile:

(Kl3ppy) #20

Dude, it’s champions league time.
But I’m interested in playing a couple of pub games before football starts :wink: