Execution Game Mode available for testing

(badman) #1

Some of our guys hacked together a new game mode for Extraction in their spare time. It’s called Execution and is turning out to be quite a bit of fun, so we thought we’d let all of you have a go as well and get your thoughts on it.

In a nutshell, Execution is a last man standing type of affair. Here are the rules:

[li]The game is played over a series of rounds (exact number can be set server-side) [/li][li]Each round the teams spawn at opposite ends of the map and have to try and eliminate all of the opposing players on the other team to win the round. The team that wins the most rounds at the end of the game win the match [/li][li]Each player only has a single life per round; once they are killed they will not spawn until the next round starts [/li][li]Rounds are 3 minutes long [/li][li]Abilities function as they do in Objective and Stopwatch modes, Medics can revive making gibbing extra valuable [/li][/ul]

A special server’s going up for this today – please check it out and post up your thoughts. We want to know what you think of this mode and how you would improve it.

Execution isn’t replacing our objective-focused modes (and Extraction’s focus is definitely still on that type of gameplay), but we are thinking about including it for players looking to change things up every now and then.

But what about feature XYZ?

This mode is a side project and so isn’t impacting the roadmap the team is working towards. The guys and gals are continuing work on the main game and prepping things for the Closed Beta (we’ll have more on that soon btw).

Anyway, if this type of thing tickles your fancy, have a go and let us know what you think!

(Mustang) #2

Which server?

(malarky) #3

There’s a specific prototype server going up. You’ll see it :slight_smile:

(twincannon) #4

It’s OK… these are private forums, you could have just said “this mode is counter-strike” and if anyone quotes you in public you can deny it :wink:

In all seriousness this is always a solid game mode though, looking forward to try it.

(SRS-Kap) #5

Multiplay UK Prototype Execution
Multiplay USA Prototype Execution

(iwound) #6

LMS Woo! at least when i die i can sit back and spec.

(Mustang) #7


  • You can’t respawn in warmup
  • The round shouldn’t be over until one team is completely gibbed, not just incapped*
  • When dead you can see the enemy team indicators through the walls
  • It left you play an 8th/9th round even though there are only meant to be 7
  • Needs a countdown between rounds

*I’d suggest that if you aren’t revived within 30 seconds then you’re automatically gibbed.

(Dthy) #8

Game modes fun, the maps are really nice aswell. Reminds me of CS:S bomb plant (except there are no bombs)

(Kendle) #9

This mode is called Team Survivor in Urban Terror and in recent years has replaced CTF as the most popular competition mode (not suggesting the same could or should happen in XT mind you), looking forward to giving this a go. :slight_smile:

(iwound) #10

just had a few gos.
its fun but id prefer an obj type of lms.
on the tdm it just feels random but if you dont know i hate tdm.

so some simple objectives ie bombsite a and b. :wink: and get dave to redo dust.

(biz) #11

I’m worried

I know the intentions of including things like this are nice, but in the long run they don’t always work out as intended

5 years ago none of us thought that Clan Arena would almost completely kill off actual Quake… but then it happened

If the game is fun and playable with high pings, then it’s less of an issue
But if it fragments the player pool in your vicinity, then it gets a lot more problematic

(n4ts) #12

Just played it. Love it.
Although I think the maps are to small for 8vs8, so it must be limited to 4vs4 or so…

(ImageOmega) #13

Hooray for clan arena!

And to above: Quake was already out the door five years ago and clan arena has never received the spot light that other team modes like CTF and TDM have. Which is a shame because RA3 had some of the finest gamers Quake 3 saw.

(Seanza) #14

Loving this already, soooo much fun when we’re all on TS trying to find each other :smiley:

(shaftz0r) #15

lolwut? are you saying that CA killed a 15 year old game? … CA is one of the only reasons that qlive exists. not everyone wants to be a tryhard and count for 10-20 mins at a time. RA3 and CA have kept the game afloat

(Ashog) #16

Sweet Jesus! That’s mega!

Oi oi oi, why all these changes when I’m on the move :frowning:
Hope to get to my desktop soon to test the patch and the mode…

Who was my hero who programmed it? Ducks? Thanks anyways man, especially since done in private time.

*I’d suggest that if you aren’t revived within 30 seconds then you’re automatically gibbed.

Imho unnecessary limitation…

(attack) #17

sry but i dislike it.
if i want play this mode i play quake=10 times better
the game feels not right at this mod.

(prophett) #18

I don’t really care for this type of mode. The only way I see myself connecting to those servers is if the other servers are empty (and if that is the case i’ll just go play something else).

(attack) #19

same . it feels deffinitly wrong .
ca in qlive is fast challenging and you have much hp .this mode feels more about luck to not get shot from the side or get camped.

(DarkangelUK) #20


  • The round shouldn’t be over until one team is completely gibbed, not just incapped*[/QUOTE]

In a nutshell, Execution is a last man standing type of affair. Here are the rules:[/QUOTE]
If there’s no one standing on that team then the round is over.

*I’d suggest that if you aren’t revived within 30 seconds then you’re automatically gibbed.

A ‘bleed out’ period would be good yes to give more immediacy to the game mode.

[QUOTE=attack;469927]same . it feels deffinitly wrong .
ca in qlive is fast challenging and you have much hp .this mode feels more about luck to not get shot from the side or get camped.[/QUOTE]
That’s the nature of this mode. Obviously it’s not to your taste so that’s fine, you’ve made that clear :slight_smile: